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  1. Kinomoto Shinji

    I hate this place!!!!!!!

    I have the same feeling. I was originaly looking for some headphones around the $150 range,thinking that would be satisfactory for me. Now, I ended up with the ATH-900's for $210 from AudioCubes. After enjoying them a bit, I want to upgrade my computer for it to be silent for I don't have the...
  2. Kinomoto Shinji

    Wow. Audio Technica A900s

    Yeah, I got mine a couple weeks ago, and they just blew me away. My first Hi-Fi headphones. So much clearity to them. Soundstage is better then my 5.1 Cerwin Vega's or 2.1 Sony speakers. All my MP3s and OSTs sound great. And the more I burn them in, the better the sound. Couldn't be happier...
  3. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Finaly got them two days ago. Man, these things are awesome. I don't think I'll be able to listen to my speakers the same again. The sound is so crisp and clean. Everything sounds accurate. Anime sounds great. Voices are almost intimate. MP3s sound decent, and my OSTs are just fantasic with them...
  4. Kinomoto Shinji

    Buying Blind - Have You, Would You?

    Quote: Originally posted by john_jcb Would you explain what you mean here? Well, think about it. You really don't buy headphones blind. You see plenty of pictures. But if you buy them without listening, your buying them "deaf". Well, at least I think that's what he means. ^^;; I...
  5. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Okay, I truely decided. After researching for another week,I finaly put my order in for the ATH-900s (and this time, I made no mistakes on my CC info.) Processing now, so hopefuly it'll ship soon and maybe I'll have it before the end of the week. It seems in the end. basing on all the threads...
  6. Kinomoto Shinji

    Mommy? Where do my ATH-A900's come from???

    Quote: Originally posted by radrd Audio-Technica is definitely a Japanese company, though they do sell some stuff here in the US. However, your headphones and other audiophile AT headphones/amps aren't available at all here in the US. Audio-Cubes imports them for you. Usually it takes...
  7. Kinomoto Shinji

    Just got ATH-A900 (pictures! 56k warning)

    Quote: Originally posted by ch1nkster you know what's really ironic? the shipping took wayyyy faster then the "Processing" stage, which took like 5-6 days alone. the item shipped last thursday something and came today. international EMS shipping is even faster than slow amazon domestic...
  8. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Hmm...none of the suggested headphones around my area. I just may try to order some headphones off Headroom next week (once holidays are over). I'll be out $10 at most for shipping if I didn't like the headphones I get. One thing that surprises me is that only couple people recomended Grado's...
  9. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Quote: Originally posted by Ticky Shinji, I once ordered a pair of speakers based purely on recommendations (glowing magazine reviews as well as user reviews) but had to sell them b/c I just plain didn't like em. Lost around $200 in that transaction. Since then I've learned that...
  10. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range Hmm...while waiting for my CC to clear, I've been researching more on this forum. And I cam across a few threads saying that the A900's aren't that good for female voices. This...
  11. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Quote: The first one did not go through because the information was not correct. Sorry for the inconvenience. The temp charge for the declined transaction should go away in a few days. Would you please try placing your order again. If successful, you should receive an email from...
  12. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Quote: Originally posted by ch1nkster good choice on the ATH-A900. i placed my order yesterday and originally, i was leading toward the Senns HD-580, but i sold it to my dad because it was too "distant" for me and because it needs a powerful amp to drive. i decided on the A900 for its...
  13. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Okay, I decided on the ATH-900s. I ordered them from AudioCube, but some questions. When I was checking out, it said my card number was invalid, wrong date, etc. I found out I entered in the wrong exp date. corrected. Then I went through again, and confirmed my order, and it said the order was...
  14. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    ATH-900- 5 HD-590- 4 HD-280- 2 Ultrasone HIFI650- 2 seems people are pushing me towards the ATH-900s the most if I'm counting them right. With such close recomendations, makes my decesion harder. Open, closed. Suppose to sound good un-amped. Senns are more "laid bacK', while the...
  15. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    I think I'll try to look for some places to demo the HD-590's tomorow. Since, from the research I've been doing on these threads, the 590's are supposed to have a wider soundstage, I think I'll be interested in those more. I think Best Buy may have them, but they'll be fed a crappy source...
  16. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Hmm...from doing search on all the different models everyone's listed, I'm thinking the ATH-A900 are really my best choice for my budget. They should sound good for gaming and all, with decent bass and sound stage. They're closed, but if they sound good and are comfortable, that's what really...
  17. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Quote: Originally posted by Chizzler Although I don't own a pair and now you're looking to go portable, I hear that the Ety's are awesome. My friend has a pair and swears by them. The depth and clarity are supposed to be exellent. Since you don't care about bass and you don't want an amp...
  18. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Wow. 4 replies in under a hour. Hmm..those A900's look really interesting reading that thread and review of them. I'm willing to go over $150 if it means considerable jump in AQ if I don't have to get a amp. Hmm..considering I live a mile away from a traintrack, maybe some closed ones...
  19. Kinomoto Shinji

    Need recomends for headphones in ~$150~ range

    Looking for a pair of headphones for around $150. I've never actualy had a chance to listen to any decent ones, so this is kinda unknown to me. I've already spent about a week lurking here, trying to get a idea of whats out there for my price range. But, these seem to be the best from my...