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  1. dzdncfsd

    Shure SE530 Appreciation Thread

    Do you just order the yellow foam through Shure? Was curious. Not as if I needed another option but why not?
  2. dzdncfsd

    Shure SE530 Appreciation Thread

    i have no idea what you guys are talking about. But I'm listening to a little Credence on my 530's right now and have absolutely no complaints. I would love to try out some other IEM's and compare them as my experience has been limited but right now I'm happy as can be with these. I'm...
  3. dzdncfsd

    Custom 10 Pro & Custom Shure SE530

    I was curious if anyone here has sent in their SE530's to UM? Seems like the majority have been with the UE's. Was just curious what peoples impressions have been. I was thinking about having custom sleeves made for my 530's but at this price its almost worth it to get the entire case...
  4. dzdncfsd

    Shure SE530 Appreciation Thread

    I just received a set of SE530's today. I would have to categorize myself as a rookie of rookies. These will primarily be used with an Iphone 3gs or an Itouch 2g. I was originally looking to pickup a set of the UE5VI's for my iphone but while shopping around one day at a local apple store...
  5. dzdncfsd

    Break In?

    Ok I read allot of people talking about breaking in their headphones.. I just picked up my new HD-580's today and I have no idea what break in is and how I do it. Can someone give me a little help? These are great headphones by the way. Really pleased with the sound quality. Only...
  6. dzdncfsd

    HD-580 amp suggestions.

    ok here goes.. POST #2 since I joined head-fi I just received my HD-580's this evening. Currently running off of my Klipsch Pro-Media speakers (control unit). The sound is superb compared to the cheap phones I was using prior. My question is does anyone have a suggestion for a first amp? I...
  7. dzdncfsd

    HD-580 - Suggestions

    Hey I really appreciate the replies everyone.. I'm sure I'll enjoy the hd-580's even if their slightly underpowered. Heck if its a big problem I might be looking into an amp in the next few weeks. Christmas is right around the corner so maybe Santa will be generous this year. I'll...
  8. dzdncfsd

    HD-580 - Suggestions

    Yesterday I finally ordered myself a pair of the HD-580's. This was not an easy decision since I needed something that covered so many areas. Grados 225's were my second choice but ended up with the 580's due to price. I'll be running these off of a couple different sources. #1 - I have...