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  1. HackofDestruct

    Headphoness for Mp3 Player??

    My KSC-50s broke and I much prefer the sound of the closed PX200s its more exact and just sounds better. And they are closed. When I say broke I mean the little wire and rubber ear part broke off on one side.
  2. HackofDestruct

    Am I going to fast?

    yea the music is what its all based around err the ipod i guess is what its really based around god do I love that thing
  3. HackofDestruct

    Am I going to fast?

    I just found this forum about a month ago and already I have a pair of HD477s(because they look better and are apparently better for rock) and a pair of PX200s and I'm about to pick up a pair of KSC-50s. So the question is should I slow down for a bit and enjoy what I have or should I try to go...
  4. HackofDestruct

    iPod's tagging

    If it can't display the name in full the iPod will scroll the name across the screen. So the number of characters doesn't really matter.
  5. HackofDestruct

    Another Newbie

    the PX200s should be fine. Woohoo another Minnesotan I've been noticing a lot of us around these boards.
  6. HackofDestruct

    looking for help with picking the right headphones

    Would you have happened to Frequent [H]ard Forums ever, haejuk? I just recognise the name thats all.
  7. HackofDestruct

    Yes yet another one: Closed for 30 or under

    Well I'm getting PX200s so all is good in the world thanks for all the help.
  8. HackofDestruct

    Yes yet another one: Closed for 30 or under

    Quote: Originally posted by MD1032 How can you afford an iPod and yet not be able to afford headphones more than 30 bucks? I got the iPod on eBay for 167.50 a first gen 5 gig . Then I got a 5.95 firewire card. So I am being cheap because I am 16 year old kid. But my brother...
  9. HackofDestruct

    Yes yet another one: Closed for 30 or under

    Quote: Originally posted by IWalker182 do they truly need to be closed? I just made myself a pair of KSC-55 earmuffs (it's actually a winter-headband type thing) and I love it. Keeps me warm, sounds pretty good, and was cheap too. Yeah they are for the iPod I just got. Which I...
  10. HackofDestruct

    Yes yet another one: Closed for 30 or under

    But you forgot shipping. It needs to be 30 or under total.
  11. HackofDestruct

    Yes yet another one: Closed for 30 or under

    yea I know I've been watching them. But they are all for like 50 bucks or more. and with my strict budget its hard to go that far.
  12. HackofDestruct

    Yes yet another one: Closed for 30 or under

    Does anybody have any recommendation for some closed phones for less than $30 USD The price is strict, please nothing over. Thanks- Green
  13. HackofDestruct

    MP3 file name

    Anybody know of a utility that would take out the parenthesis and underscores just by doing a search on the files?
  14. HackofDestruct

    iPod Question

    Thats good to know the last one that is.
  15. HackofDestruct

    MP3 file name

    Well its for Win2k the main reason for wanting to get all the filenames correct is for alphabetical playlists that put the special character stuff first. Thanks and keep suggestions coming- Green
  16. HackofDestruct

    MP3 file name

    I have all these MP3s like 6500 I want all of them not to look like this- (Jimi_Hendrix)-Manic_Depression.MP3 but like this Jimi Hendrix -Manic Depression.MP3 is there any utility that would make it easier then having to manually rename all the ones that are like that? Thanks- Green
  17. HackofDestruct

    Help my brother get the right MP3 for Xmas

    no thats why I also mentioned the firewire card because it would be needed
  18. HackofDestruct

    iPod Question

    Will a Mac 1st Generation iPod work on an PC? A quick answer would be awesome. Thanks, Green
  19. HackofDestruct

    Koss UR19?

    Humpage of the Bumpage
  20. HackofDestruct

    Microdrives get even smaller!

    But some of the good with Minidisc is the quality of sound and the new digital amps being used in Minidiscs Give it a year also for this technology to be fully marketed and at decent consumer prices.
  21. HackofDestruct

    Koss UR19?

    Anybody have any thoughts on these? Any input would be great. Thanks, Green
  22. HackofDestruct

    Help my brother get the right MP3 for Xmas

    Check out eBay We just got a 5gb iPod for 167.50 with shipping and then 16.90 for a new firewire card. So its a bit over your range but its nice
  23. HackofDestruct

    Apple iBook G4 12": How does it sound?

    From what we have at school with the last generation of iBooks they don't sound all that great. Just like your regular laptop. So if you considering getting one the 15" will fit in a backpack just fine. A friend that got a 17" manages to get his into his backpack.
  24. HackofDestruct

    KSC-50 Vs. iBuds

    any other feed back I saw that you own quite a few different phones so can you give anymore insite?
  25. HackofDestruct

    KSC-50 Vs. iBuds

    What is better? Would it be worth getting a pair of the iBuds off of eBay? Is sounds quality about the same? Anything else comparable for under 25? Thanks Green