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  1. Drizzt129

    Questions concerning MP3 HD players. (Also; Which should I get?)

    i know that the karma does come with a carrying pouch.
  2. Drizzt129

    What portable to get for Christmas?

    I've been reading about mp3 players for months now and i'm still not sure exactly which one to get. I'm leaning slightly towards an ipod b/c of the style and user interface. I'm not a real audiophile although i would like it to have good sound quality. Would the ipod's sound quality suffice...
  3. Drizzt129

    Napster is Back!

    do you guys know if the wma files from napster work on the ifp-3xxt series?
  4. Drizzt129

    Help me Choose a set of Cans.

    hmm thanks for your suggestions guys. i will most likely go for the grados. One more question: Can anyone recommend me some good earphones for running that are less than 50 bucks? The MX500s look good but how well do they stay in?
  5. Drizzt129

    ifp-395t vs ifp-595t

    so you're saying you can't listen to the player with grado's??
  6. Drizzt129

    ifp-395t vs ifp-595t

    well that's not that big of deal to me. i can handle 1/2 hour uploads to the player, especially since after i put my initial music on there, i wont change that much at a time. Also, the ifp-595 is usb 1.1 as well... so would you recommend waiting or going for the 390t? Likely if i wait, the...
  7. Drizzt129

    ifp-395t vs ifp-595t

    hmm how much is the 395t? I'm considering getting the 390t for running as well as just general listening, as my limit is around 200 bucks. Any idea at all on when the 5xx series is coming out? Also can someone recommend me good earphones for running that are less than 50 dollars?
  8. Drizzt129

    Help me Choose a set of Cans.

    ^^ What's tranceaddict? Thanks for all your advice guys, although i don't know that i'm nearer to a conclusion, lol. It doesn't really matter to me if they are open or closed. At this point it seems like the grado's might be better for my music and stuff, but that the V6's are sort of the...
  9. Drizzt129

    Help me Choose a set of Cans.

    hmmm so you're saying sr80's eh? What's this i've been hearing about comfort though? Are they that bad?
  10. Drizzt129

    Help me Choose a set of Cans.

    right now i'm leaning toward the grado's, as i listen mostly to rock music. One question however: Which would be better for an unamped source? The SR60's or the SR80's?? Thanks.
  11. Drizzt129

    Help me Choose a set of Cans.

    I have a set of HD212 pros that i use mostly for gaming. (i know i know) and i'm looking to sort of start a hobby out of this and get a pair of higher end phones. I'm looking at the price range of about 100 bucks. I've been eyeing the MDR-V6s, the Senn HD280, and the Grado SR60's. I'm not really...
  12. Drizzt129

    Brand new V6 from Sony

    cool! only 80 bucks... good deal.
  13. Drizzt129

    Dell DJ (15gb, 20gb models) available Oct.28

    Oh come on it's not that bad looking. It's really attractive to me due to the 249 dollar price tag. Check out a review at
  14. Drizzt129

    Best MP3 Player for $200-250???

    Hmm i have been looking into the px200 b/c i've heard a lot about them from these boards, but the only bad thing is that they're not really earphones, which is what i'm looking for. But are they really that portable? I would still rather have earphones but i'm still looking for the right pair.
  15. Drizzt129

    Best MP3 Player for $200-250???

    What are the advantages/disadvantages between the MuVo2 and the Rio Nitrus? Also, can someone recommend a good pair of earphones for around 50 bucks to go witht the mp3 player.
  16. Drizzt129

    Best MP3 Player for $200-250???

    hmmm thanks for your recommendations. I'm kinda leaning toward the MuVo2 now. Hopefully it will be available on amazon pretty soon. I think that it retails for 230 bucks. Also, i thought the iGP-100 was supposed to be small? can someone clarify this? I heard iRiver is a better brand for mp3...
  17. Drizzt129

    Best MP3 Player for $200-250???

    Well i don't have a huge need for that much space. Also i thought it would be cool to have one of the ultra portable 1.5 GB players. Out of those which would you recommend? Also i have been looking into the Zen Xtras a little bit. Are they good players? Is there anything bad i should know about...
  18. Drizzt129

    Best MP3 Player for $200-250???

    I've been looking at the new MuVo2 1.5 GB and 512MB flash, as well as the iRiver iGP-100 and iHP-390. It is hard to find any details on the iGP and the MuVo2, and i was wondering what would be the best choice? Also i have seen the Rio Nitrus but i just really don't like the design. Thanks.