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  1. TehKrond

    For all ya bassheads out there: What song tests your headphones to the limit?

    Bela Fleck and the Flecktones - Sinister Minister If you can hear the gauge of the string against the fingers, you win.
  2. TehKrond

    Yet another Shure E5c vs Etymotic ER-4P/S

    The best I can describe the ety's bass is auditory versus physical. With a set of speakers or large phones, there is a physical sensation associated with bass; a shaking, rumbling, vibrating business. The etys allow you to HEAR bass for once, which I am personally revelling in after just a few...
  3. TehKrond

    Ety ER-4: too ugly to wear?

    I haven't been in public yet for fear of getting hit by a car or not hearing someone call my name, not becuase of the looks. It looks fine; the crazy stuff people wear on their heads in order to listen to music around college campuses doesn't even begin to compare to the etys. By the way, let...
  4. TehKrond

    Just got my Ety ER-4P

    Quote: Originally posted by Daffy_Duck With a dedicated amp I assume? How does the sound compare with unamped sound? Not being amped, actually. The two sources I'm dealing with are my ipod and my laptop, complete with craptastic ibm stock soundcard. I'm going to pick up a fire6 or...
  5. TehKrond

    Just got my Ety ER-4P

    I got mine an hour ago. I never knew music sounded so good. I'm about ready to cry. e: using the s converter
  6. TehKrond

    This is really what soundstage is...

    Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this is pretty freakish. Thanks, I guess
  7. TehKrond

    Your ratio music vs hardware

    Since we're asking the tough questions: How many of you still buy cds rather than downloading at --aps-z extreme? Personally, I haven't bought a cd in over three years. I realize it's copyright infringement left and right, but I would have ZERO dollars to spend on hardware if I had to legally...
  8. TehKrond

    Your ratio music vs hardware

    e: sup pg 3 I'd think that in order to be such huge hardware fans like we all, you need to have an massive addiction ot music. For me, about 4:1 music/hardware. Metric tons of --aps-z extreme albums and a small pile of hardware.
  9. TehKrond

    Headphone IRC?

    I'm sure one exists somewhere, but a head-fi channel woud be very .
  10. TehKrond


    Update on my slight todd knock above: Everything is fine, my etys are on the way
  11. TehKrond


    Quote: Originally posted by BANGPOD I used credit card. I received payment verification the same day. The Etymotics and adapter arrived 2-3 days later. Choose the 2-3 day shipping, not the 1-5 day one. TTVJ is usually very prompt with his responses... Maybe he is dealing with the...
  12. TehKrond


    BANDPOD (and others who ordered from ttvj): How long did it take you to receive the phones? To get a confirmation email? I sent payment two days ago, got an email that my shipping address hadn't gone through, responded, and have heard nothing. I was thinking I'll wait a week and if I don't...
  13. TehKrond

    canalphones question

    Quote: Originally posted by Steve754 sorry about that Ok, now I got it narrowed down. I'm either going to get the e2c's or the er4p's But there is no one who has heard the e1c's? This was my situation a few days ago. Then I realized that if I'm going to drop more than 30...
  14. TehKrond

    Break/Burn in

    Piggyback question (not hijack): Does one need to burn in ety's and other canalphones, or is burn-in limited to fullsized cans?
  15. TehKrond

    I'm beginning to hate my Grados

    ^^^Thanks for reconfirming my purchase. this thread is fyad leaking, if anyones got stairs.
  16. TehKrond


    Just ordered too e: from ttvj with the s cable. it is a good day
  17. TehKrond


    Quick tangent question: Does a set of pc speakers with a headphone jack amp my phones at all? I'd buy the conversion cable if so.
  18. TehKrond

    ER-4P/S and Jazz

    Quote: Originally posted by rt297 I think I would get the ER4S's over the P's for jazz, or at least get the conversion cord too. Does the conversion cord provide identical sound from the P's as compared to the S's, or is there a quality loss with the extra cable?
  19. TehKrond

    Shure E2c's...JUST got em!

    Could someone describe the tangible differences between the E2 and the E1? The latter is about 50 dollars more; what is the difference in actual sound? The fact that the E1's are (even) lighter than the E2's is appealing to me. Note that this is, as with many others, for use with an ipod.