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  1. andare

    IEMs with great clarity and soundstage, unamped for iPod Touch

    Gee, so many helpful replies in such a short time, thanks guys! I'll see wht I can find, what with living in Poland where these products are hard to come by.
  2. andare

    IEMs with great clarity and soundstage, unamped for iPod Touch

    Hi, I read through all the IEM threads but I couldn't find a simple answer: what would be the ideal IEMs to use unamped that have a great soundstage and clarity? I have an iPod Touch, don't plan on amping. I'm considering the Apple in-ears but I read that they have no isolation and a weird...
  3. andare

    US iPod Touch: volume cap with EU firmware?

    I bought on - the Polish eBay - from a Polish importer. I don't think they ship to Dubai. Here's the link to the (closed) auction: APPLE IPOD TOUCH 32GB 3GEN 32 GB Fabryka Aukcji (970174318) - Aukcje internetowe Allegro
  4. andare

    US iPod Touch: volume cap with EU firmware?

    Quote: Originally Posted by elfary Got myself a 2009 Classic from New York.Back in Europe i updated it and the output power is still unchanged. Prior to updating i talked to Apple support and they told me about the serial number thing. Ok that seals it. Thanks for the...
  5. andare

    US iPod Touch: volume cap with EU firmware?

    Any update really. I was under the impression that the volume cap depended solely on the firmware and aprently that's the case but if you have a US serial number iTunes will download a US firmware regardless of your location. Anyway iTunes always asks before installing a new update so when in...
  6. andare

    US iPod Touch: volume cap with EU firmware?

    Quote: Originally Posted by elfary NO. Firmware updating it's based on the serial number of the device not on its physical location. You get an american s/n unit and you'll be free from this cap. That's why doing the opposite (updating and european device on a usa pc) would neither...
  7. andare

    US iPod Touch: volume cap with EU firmware?

    Hi everyone. I'm awaiting delivery of a US iPod Touch 3G 32Gb that I bought online here in Poland. It's gonna be a few weeks before I get it. The seller advertised it as being from the US specifying that it doesn't have the infamous volume cap. My question is: will the iPod be capped when...
  8. andare

    Any real competitors to the iPod anymore?

    I "attacked" Android because for me it's just the most recent example of how not to take on Apple (if that's what Google is trying to do with Android) Android will never surpass the iPhone on the sole point of design just as Sony daps can't win the majority of people with their cell phone'like...
  9. andare

    Any real competitors to the iPod anymore?

    well my words sounded biased, sorry for that. i was actually trying to make general remarks on why apple has more mass appeal than most other brands. simplicity is the way to go if you want that because most people simply aren't skilled enough or bothered to customize, download, drag and...
  10. andare

    Any real competitors to the iPod anymore?

    This is what iPods have: complete user experience, from the look and feel of the item to the seamless integration with the software that manages it and the store that provides content for it. design consistency of both hardware, formware, software, promotional material, message it gets to...
  11. andare

    What should I get instead of an iPod Touch?

    What's wrong with metallica, aside form the fact that they're greedy, balding idiots who understand nothing about their (broke) fanbase? i know what some of you might say but trust me, I have evidence to prove what I say: not only did they try to stop people from downloading mp3s and...
  12. andare

    should i buy a px-100

    hi, while the px100's are a good value for the price (very well constructed, lightweight, foldable and they come with a hard case) I have to warn you that they have VERY booming bass (much more than the CX300's) and almost no mids, resulting in claustrophobic sound. Vocals are recessed...
  13. andare

    Differences between 5.5 and 6th gen. ipod?

    the 6th gen has beveled edges, aluminum opaque surface finish and a new interface with the split screen, menu items on the left, floating artwork on the right. it's also thinner
  14. andare

    another oh no the ipod classic is pretty good thread.

    You bought a new player and you're happy with it: that's cool. Congratulations! It feels so good, doesn't it, knowing you made a choice that's right for you. I like my Classic too. I pair it with Sennheiser 485's at home and it rocks. Too bad mine has the EU volume cap (merci beaucoup you...
  15. andare

    Not sure where to post this: IEM users, how often do you clean your ears?

    q-tips are for the OUTER ear only NEVER stick 'em in your ear canal as you could damage the eardrum
  16. andare

    price difference between us and europe ??

    you're right about those snob US vendors amazon for example. it has a UK site and maybe a german site as well and electronics cost twice as much. BUT you can buy books from the US site, what is that? i think the US tries really hard to protect its electronics market just as it does with...
  17. andare

    Zen Vision:M or Ipod Classic?

    i played with my bosses ipod classic and it also has no letter selection == the Classic and the Nano have a letter-based search feature whih works like iTunes, as soon as you start typing it displays the results. it is a bit clumsy, though IMO it's far easier to just scroll through the...
  18. andare

    price difference between us and europe ??

    yes, they screw us up here in europe because they can. also because Americans are the biggest consumers ever (someone told me you can buy gallon sized sour cream in US supermarkets...) they buy so much stuff that dealers can and have to lower the prices. It's a vicious circle. probably in...
  19. andare

    Switching to IEMs/ear canals

    thank you very much for your warnings. i guess the decision now is between the senn cx300 and the akg 324 p, which are definitely more expensive but come with a case and look sturdier.
  20. andare

    Switching to IEMs/ear canals

    should i avoid the sennheisers and akg's then?
  21. andare

    Switching to IEMs/ear canals

    i can buy cx300, denon 351 or akg 324p. if the cx300 are too boomy, similar to the px100, then they're out of the question. so no one can help?
  22. andare

    Sennheiser cx-500 or AKG K-324P??

    i'd be interested too, although the cx500 are too pricey. my options are cx300, akg 324p and denon ch351k.
  23. andare

    ATH A500 or Sen HD212

    yeah the 212's sound claustrophobic after hearing the sennheiser 485's i decided i'll never go back to closed 'phones
  24. andare

    ATH A500 or Sen HD212

    i too don't recommend the 212's, they sound claustrophobic after hearing the senn 485's i won't ever go back to closed headphones