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  1. Cadillacjack

    Good news and bad news....anybody know a good consumer lawyer???

    I work for a Credit Union and I handle Bill Payer problems. Have you tried contacting the Bank about providing proof of payment to BMW? I understand that because of the Repo the situation is a little different, but the bank is responsible for sending these payments and should be helping you with...
  2. Cadillacjack

    The Allman Brothers Live at the Atlanta International Pop Festival 1970

    Quote: Originally Posted by R_burke I have it, and like it a lot. IMO it's rougher than Filmore East but in a lot of ways it captures the live spirit of the band better than Filmore. Exactly. AKAIK, this was recorded about 6 months before the Fillmore concerts. They were still...
  3. Cadillacjack

    DAC in Rotel RCD-955AX cdp

    As an addendum, I have rarely powered it off since I bought it. Seems to create less wear on components.
  4. Cadillacjack

    DAC in Rotel RCD-955AX cdp

    I have been using this same Rotel since 1990. The internal DAC is not bad, but obviously it is a little dated. I had previously used a Meridian 263 and currently have a MHDT Labs Constantine, which sounds very good. This player just will not die. I have used it everyday (almost) since I bought...
  5. Cadillacjack

    The Stax thread

    "My question is- Are the SR5's of any value beyond sentimental. " No, They are worthless. You should sell them to me immediately. Actually, I have two pair of the SR-5's and one pair of SRX MKIII's. They are never leaving my hands. I also have AKG-701's and Grado SR325i's. They all sound...
  6. Cadillacjack

    HD580 - Should I Upgrade to a Cardas Cable?

    I agree with Zorander. I was slightly amazed at the difference the HD650 cable made on my old 580's. I think I paid $16 at the time. Best money I ever spent.
  7. Cadillacjack

    MEIER AUDIO CORDA HEADFIVE: Impressions and reviews thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by snailmeat Lugged it to the office today, plonked it onto of my Corda Aria and let it run for about one or two hours before I did any comparing. Out of the box, it trails the Aria by quite a bit. By itself it has a pleasant "thickish" sound, but compared to the...
  8. Cadillacjack

    Any difference between HD580 and HD650 stock cables?

    I had actually swapped in the 650 cable on my old pair of 580's. I am still impressed at the difference it made. The most apparent change was in the treble. It went a long way to getting rid of that veiled sound. I was using this with a Marantz 1060 so the change might not be as apparent using a...
  9. Cadillacjack

    If you bought something from MHDT Lab on ebay, I need help...

    Just as an addendum, I had sent an email to them because I wasn't going to pay for about 5 days after the auction ended. I didn't hear back so I did send another email. They did respond then and said they did receive my previous email. Anyway, the next day I received the DAC and I HADN'T EVEN...
  10. Cadillacjack

    Marantz 1060 Headphone Output

    I am also using a 1060. I think it sounds fine, but also do not have a separate head amp to compare it to. I do have a Head Five on order, so hopefully it will be an improvement. Cadillacjack