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  1. Crashy

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Not nearly as nice as some on here, But its my first portable setup...   iPod Classic 80gb (Rockboxed...) Electric Avenues PA2V2   Planning on getting a LOD cable shortly...
  2. Crashy

    Re-cabling S4's...

    I am the ultra-noob here, so if this is totally wrong, then feel free to flame away, BUT. I have been reading of recabling headphones and am wondering what this acomplishes? Can the Klipsch s4's be recabled, and if so, what will the difference be? Thanks all!
  3. Crashy

    Klipsch Image S4?

    I too just bought the S4's. So far, I love them! Ive used Shure E3C's, SE110's and a set of Denon AH-C351 in ears, and I must say, these sound much better than that all three! Still in the burn-in process, so I am sure they will sound much better after I get some hours on them!
  4. Crashy

    What do you plug your computer into?

    All of my computers run off surge protectors/power strips. Better safe than sorry!
  5. Crashy

    Moola in the "Portable Rig"

    iPod Classic 80GB - $270 Shure SE110's - $120 Almost $400... Anyone know how much a good amp will run me? haha!