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  1. zerogratitude

    Computer Stereo Setup

    so you are saying that getting the emotiva pre amp would not make much of a difference?
  2. zerogratitude

    Computer Stereo Setup

    I currently have a mac book pro -> apogee duet and am getting a emotiva xpa-2 amp and paradigm studio 20 bookshelf speakers. I was wondering I would gain much by getting a pre amp like the emotiva usp-1 or is my macbook pro -> apogee duet -> xpa-2 -> studio 20 good enough?   I am soo...
  3. zerogratitude

    nuforce hdp vs apogee duet

    Has anyone compared to two? what are the differences in sound difference between the two as a dac and as a headphone amp. I currently have the duet and was wondering if selling my duet and changing to the hdp would be worth it. I like the HDP because it can accept optical in
  4. zerogratitude

    upgrades to hd595

    I am currently running macbook pro >apogee duet > hd595 and was wondering if upgrading to a hd600 or hd650 would be a noticeable improvement. I like the sound signature of the 595 but I want more from my setup. Any suggestions? other headphones brands I should consider or something else to...
  5. zerogratitude

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    How does the hdp compare to the apogee duet as a dac and headphone amplifier?
  6. zerogratitude

    Asus Xonar Essence STX

    Currently on my computer i am running a x-fi prelude -> hd595 Recently I ordered some speakers because i wanted to be able to listen to music more freely in the room without having to wear my headphones all the time. I did some research and bought the audioengine a5 which are on the way =)...
  7. zerogratitude

    need help choosing an upgrade

    Hey I am new to these forums and I needed help on choosing a upgrade. I have about 200 dollars to spend and right now my setup is audigy 2 zs -> HD595 I am wondering what would be a better upgrade? Auzentech Prelude or EMU 0404 USB Which would give me a better sound upgrade