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  1. amuseddaysleeper

    Sennheiser HD 228 vs Bose Around Ear Headphones

    I currently own a pair of Bose Around Ear Headphones ( but they are a bit dinged up and I think it is now time for a new pair (under $100).  I know Bose seems to get a lot of flack, but in comparison to the Senheiser HD...
  2. amuseddaysleeper

    Sennheiser HD 25 SP

    haha, that's cool and thanks for the input I would love to get my hands on the HD 25's (non SP) but I need to try them out before purchasing and like I said before, they are very pricey. The only issue I have is that I can't tell how much better the sound is with the HD 25 SP and my much...
  3. amuseddaysleeper

    Sennheiser HD 25 SP

  4. amuseddaysleeper

    Sennheiser HD 25 SP

    Thoughts on these headphones? The HD 25 are too much up here in canada ($300) but the HD 25 SP are just 99 bucks canadian. They seem somewhat flimsy from what I've read, but for the a good pair of ipod headphones, do you guys recommend these? I'm basically trying to step up from my current...
  5. amuseddaysleeper

    Just bought a Sennheiser PXC 250

    I think the problem for me is that I probably won't get as much out of the noise canceling feature as others, since I'm only on a bus/subway just twice a week. The sound is good, no doubt about it, but if I am gonna shell out that much money, I really wanna be blown away by the headphones...
  6. amuseddaysleeper

    Just bought a Sennheiser PXC 250

    Quote: Originally Posted by frozncore You would be better off getting the PX200. The Noise Cancellation feature degrades sound quality. Really? It sounds a lot "fuller" to me with the cancellation on, but then again if you want the truth, I'm not noticing the $200 (canadian)...
  7. amuseddaysleeper

    Just bought a Sennheiser PXC 250

    I'm about to try it out How does everyone feel about these headphones?
  8. amuseddaysleeper

    Best Headphones for Ipod (limit: $250)

    Hey guys My TDK MP100's broke so I had to go out and buy a new set of headphones. I was trying out the Bose Triport's, and while I thought they sounded decent, the price of $250 (I live in Canada) was a bit much. I ended up getting the Sony MDR-V300 because it was a solid price, and...