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  1. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Corda 2Move vs. Headamp Pico vs. RSA Predator

    I have heard both the Predator and the Pico and prefer the Predator hands down. Ray's amps have a very particular sound that is so musical and so fantastic. I think a lot of people like it better than the Pico, have seen both amps preferred. I just feel the Pred has a more musical less...
  2. jchristensenlovesaudio

    What's Going On With Justin At Headamp?

    It seems silly to me to order from someone that has such poor customer service. Still waiting to fill all the orders for the pico from like a year ago?!?! Or sitting on a repair for 7 months??!! Then with others you send them your cash and maybe you get an amp in a year or two and you have to...
  3. jchristensenlovesaudio

    I want to have faith in Ray Samuels Audio... but I just don't

    I have several RSA products, I like the way they sound, and have only had one problem ever, and Ray took care of it personally over the phone by next day air mailing me a brand new unit, never had another problem since and keep in mind my HR-2 is multiple years old, as well as my sr71 and...
  4. jchristensenlovesaudio

    RSA **Predator** A review in stages ** With some "NEW" images on 1st and page 64 . . .

    I just wanted to toss in my fifty cents here, I freakin love this amp!! I own several portable amps, a good home amp/cd player setup, It's not mind blowing, but I have some good stuff and I don't use anything but the Predator anymore. It just has the best most musical sound I have heard...
  5. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Hiss through my Predator

    I have experienced no hissing with mine, I don't think that is normal. As far as 1000 hours of burn in, that is way more than necesary. My Predator started to sound wonderful by 250-300 hours and by 375-400 hours it was perfect. 300 should be enough for it to sound great. Also I must say I can't...
  6. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    Yes, at first everyone went Pico crazy, people are fickle and if a good review gets to the right people...domino effect. I have both amps and feel the Predator to be superior by quite a bit. Longer battery life, better build quality, and the sound is just way better. So much bass!! Remeber...
  7. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Portable Amp recommendations

    The Ray Samuels Predator is fantastic and drives the hd650 easy, so I am guessing it would have no problems with the 701's. To say you can't get the 701's going with a portable is odd to me. The cool thing about the Predator is that it sounds like a home system. I have a nice setup at home...
  8. jchristensenlovesaudio

    I want a dark and bassy portable headphone amp

    The new Predator amp DAC by Ray Samuels has more bass than anything I have heard, home and portable. Also has a darker sound. It has no tone controls but you wont need them, it just takes your music and makes it bad ass. 60+ hour battery life onboard DAC/standard input Smaller than a...
  9. jchristensenlovesaudio

    portable amp that sounds the closest to non-portables

    One more thing, you have to put like 300 plus hours of burn in on Ray's amps before they sound right. Everytime I first get one I'm scared it is going to suck, then after burn in I'm like WOW!!!!
  10. jchristensenlovesaudio

    portable amp that sounds the closest to non-portables

    I have a Predator and an expensive home set up and the Predator sounds as good or better, and I find myself never using my home stuff cuz it is so nice to be able to move around. The sound quality is amazing and it is super tiny, I mean it makes the Hornet look big!! Also I have heard the...
  11. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Review: The Predator, or How I Learned to Love the iPod

    Great review, I am a Predator owner as well and agree completely. I am amazed at the sound I get out of it. At home I run a HR-2 and Benchmark DAC, I think I may like the Predator more!!! Also, for it to have the weight and slam it has in the bass department running off only 5 volts, and I can...
  12. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Pico Or Predator amp?

    You don't need to put anywhere near 1000 hrs on it to get it sounding great, I found somewhere around 350 to be just fine.
  13. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Xenos 3HA - whatever happened?

    Ya, this was a company ran by a guy named Alberto. They were in Canada. I have one of the last amps he made, the nicest portable he made, I forget the model. It is a good little amp, better than others I have purchased for more money!! Anyways he just dissapeared one day, went to look at his...
  14. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    Manny, You have some good stuff coming!!! The bass definately improved big time as it burnt in. This amp even more than Ray's others I found changed and got so amazing around the 350-400 hour mark. I thought it was good out of the box as well, especially the dac, but put those hours on it and...
  15. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    That's awesome, I too think the sound quality you get and the size of the sound compared to how small the unit is is just incredible. The attention to detail is fantastic, the case feels even more solid than my hornet and it (hornet) is built like a brick sh#! house. I find the sound to be...
  16. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Sudden Disconnect of the Predator's USB?

    oops, I see that is the plan!!
  17. jchristensenlovesaudio

    Sudden Disconnect of the Predator's USB?

    Have had no issues with my Predator, I would send it to Ray, he will have it back for you very quickly. It is so hard to have to send off something new that you like, I have had to do it with certain audio toys I have bought, it sucks but I don't see it getting fixed otherwise, this way Ray can...
  18. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    Hello Manny, Any thoughts on your predators yet? Curious to see how you like them...
  19. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    Id say it was your computer, but it has happened on more than one machine.
  20. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    Ya, have not had any problems with my predator dac at all, or amp. Sounds like Manny said, every once in a while no matter how high end the parts used are and how mil spec the construction is... parts do fail. The great thing about it is that any time I have ever needed anything from Ray in that...
  21. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    That is great, you will love the amps!! I'm sure you already know this but Ray's amps need alot of burn in, when I first got my Hornet back in the day, I panicked at first cuz the initial sound was so bad and silibant. The Predator dac I thought sounded ok right out of the box but the input was...
  22. jchristensenlovesaudio

    The Predator, Portable Headphone Amp/USB DAC Combo

    This is a dumb question, but, does it hurt anything to leave something (ipod) plugged in to the front of the amp while the amp is powered on and using the DAC? I have my pod sandwiched on top and use an alo cable to the input of the predator. Should I unplug the input when using the dac? I had...
  23. jchristensenlovesaudio

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    I apologize for the location of this post as well, I should have done a pm, sorry. Thanks for the info Mr. Do, I'm sold, found an e-tailer with a great price!! Thanks again!!!
  24. jchristensenlovesaudio

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    Can you put music on an eeepc and run it out the usb to a pico or similar Mr. Do? I have been looking for anything that has a usb out and some memory in it that is a bit more portable than a laptop. I looked at the eeepc and it looks cool, have you, or do you use it for music? How much space...