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  1. deliverinsanity

    Do you think Apple will ever improve sound quality?

    Speaking of wrong, I do believe that a lot (not saying millions) of people are wrong. Following the trends blindly, not actually taking into account alternatives just because they are not made by Apple. I know such people and I'd love to show them that there are better products out there, but...
  2. deliverinsanity

    Do you think Apple will ever improve sound quality?

    I trust my ears more than a $10k analyzer. True story.
  3. deliverinsanity

    Do you think Apple will ever improve sound quality?

    I've owned a 5.5G for some time now, used it with an amp 90% of the time. It's not the smallest DAP out there by any means so I didn't feel like destroying iPod's "unique selling point" by strapping an amp to its back. Besides, I must say, it sounded pretty damn good with external amplification...
  4. deliverinsanity

    UE repair question

    Yeah, I still have it. It's really more of a question of whether I can fix it without sending it all the way to US. Maybe somewhere in europe, since I believe you can have the UE customs done in europe.
  5. deliverinsanity

    UE repair question

    Not sure where to post this really, but here we go... I've broken my right ear off my Ultimate Ears earphones (haha ). I'm not too excited about it, really. Where can I fix those, provided that I'm currently in UK? Cheers.
  6. deliverinsanity

    Can you use a portable amp with the Cowon A3?

    It's not a proper lineout anyway, so you'll have stick to the headphone jack...
  7. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part X]

    Quote: Originally Posted by -=Germania=- Men..... Growing Up Just Means Having More Expensive Toys...
  8. deliverinsanity

    Has anyone heard an open Denon D5000/2000?

    Quote: Originally Posted by khbaur330162 If the mods are reversible and free, why not? You'll only know what it sounds like 'til after you try it, and only you can say whether or not the change is good, bad or even existent. Also, perhaps the "headphone companies" have one idea about...
  9. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    Quote: Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx This thread is getting a little long, its already past the 1,000 post mark. Who's gonna take the initiative and start the Pictures of Your Portable Rig Part X thread? It takes a brave man to bring that up, but it takes a hero to actually...
  10. deliverinsanity

    Has anyone heard an open Denon D5000/2000?

    I've always been cautious about all the headphone mods - it's actually interfering with the years of experience the headphone companies have... And opening a closed headphone (or closing an open one, for that matter) seems pretty extreme to me...
  11. deliverinsanity

    Little dot MkI, Hornet, Pico or Predator for HD650?

    I pretty much second opinions on getting a decent desktop amp for your Senns. There is no doubt that a Predator or a Pico will drive them decently, however, I doubt that it's really worth investing in a new portable amp since you already own a Tomahawk (which is a very nice portable amp)...
  12. deliverinsanity

    Gaming headphones? Recommendations needed!

    I'm sorry if I'm getting a little off-topic here, but everytime someone asks for advice on gaming headphones, I tend to think they are looking for a decent headset that has a microphone for online communications. Or maybe I just play wrong games
  13. deliverinsanity

    Rate your Earwax!

    Ok, next time I clean my ears, I'll let you all see how much wax I got
  14. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    I thought I'd post another one, if you don't mind. Enjoy!
  15. deliverinsanity

    Pair of closed headphones to use while going to sleep

    IMO, any cans are uncomfortable in bed, as you can only relax when you're on your back, so I would go for an IEM, but, of course, it's totally your call. I usually have ESW9s on while falling asleep, and even though they aren't the slimmest pair of cans around, I can't fall asleep while I'm on...
  16. deliverinsanity

    Closest to HD 600 signature sound ?

    What about the money you are willing to spend?
  17. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    Quote: Originally Posted by GreatDane Very nice rig deliverinsanity...and a great shot. Thanks, I'm loving it Quote: Originally Posted by skaos These Rigs Shure look as great as they must sound! But are they realy portable? Do you guys use them on the street, or...
  18. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    The Predator is finally here, and it's a bit smaller than I thought it would be My rig is complete for the time being, all I need is some burn-in time on that little bad-ass amp to be truly happy.
  19. deliverinsanity

    But how does it sound

    Absolutely fantastic, without support for losless files But anyhow, it's just a pile of good wood and shiny gold, with a few circuts accidentally jammed inside...
  20. deliverinsanity

    variable speed playback mp3/dap player?

    All Rockboxed DAPs are capable of it...
  21. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    Quote: Originally Posted by Captain Ødegård My current school/short-trip-out rig... K550i cell phone and Beyerdynamic DT231 bluetooth headphones :P Looks nice and neat, truly portable, but how's the sound quality?
  22. deliverinsanity

    All Cowon's now on sale!!!

    Cowon makes great great DAPs, and these price cuts just make them better. Bravo, Cowon!
  23. deliverinsanity

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    Quote: Originally Posted by NoRi My new portable rig... MacBook Pro>iBasso D1>SR-71>HD25-1 mini-mini:0.8mm oyaide 20AWG Silver headphone cable:ALO 22G Jena Labs Cryo wire
  24. deliverinsanity

    One-eared iPod.

    My Cowon A2 has the exact same problem at the moment, and although I currently use an 5.5G iPod as the source, I'm thinking about fixing Cowon in near future.