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  1. blackal

    DT770 /80 - Amp recommendations?

    Hi Everyone! Thanks to the advice of the very nice people up there in the headphones forum, and a local sale, I just got a new pair of DT770 /80. I love them. These are my first step into hi-fi and I'm just amazed at how good they sound. I would like to add on an amp to what I have now...
  2. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    Thanks for the ideas for the Amps. Heree are my initial thoughts on the proposed amps. Cmoy: I don't like that this runs on a battery. My cans stay right by my computer and do very little travel, so I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to go with an amp that has a wall plug. micro3: I...
  3. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    Hey Guys! Well, I called around to find a place to test out the DT770 Pro /80 and found that my local guitar center had them out for testing. I was just simply amazed at the quality of them. Impressed enough to buy a pair. For cheaper than I would have gotten them anywhere else that I...
  4. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    Also, I will be using this mostly on my PC which has the HT Omega Claro Plus sound card And this card makes my little crappy logitech desk speakers sound very nice (compared to the onboard sound) so I can't wait to see what it makes some quality sound equipment sound like
  5. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    It seems that I may have found a good price on a set of the DT770s. If I were to go this route, what kind of amp would you guys suggest? I will probably have to pick this up later, but assume I can spend around $100 on the amp. Blackal
  6. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    Quote: Originally Posted by TMM If you do get the A900s, do the blutack mod as per SK138's post about the A900 in Fitz' W5000 mod thread. It boosts the bass (may or may not be to your liking - if its too much stuff some damping material in there) and opens up the soundstage a little...
  7. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    Thanks for all the comments guys! I think at the moment, I am going to go for the A900s and then upgrade later to a nicer set + amp. It looks like right now, though, that the A900s are the best bang for the buck without having to buy an extra amp. Anyone know where to find a good used pair...
  8. blackal

    ATH-A900 vs DT770 for Gaming/Music

    Hey Guys, I have been reading a lot about these two headphones on several different sources, and they seem to be the ones that are most suggested for a gaming/music mix. What I would like to know is what people think about the two of these in a gaming and music setting. I listen to...