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  1. monologuist

    need new DJ headphones

    Sennheiser HD-25 1. They're super light, excellent isolation, all parts are replaceable (key for heavy users), don't take up much room, and sound quality puts Sony and Pioneer DJ phones to shame. If you look at any DJ from Europe, they are using these since they know about them.
  2. monologuist

    Apogee Duet

    Is the Duet on par with top portables like your Ray Samuels as a headphone amp? How about compared to a good desktop amp? I'm getting one to use for portable mixing/engineering, but want to know if the headphone amp is good enough to compete with dedicated units.
  3. monologuist

    Apogee Duet

    Quote: Originally Posted by raelamb Just got the Duet and hooked it up to my MacBook. Plugged in the RS-1's and I am in Heaven. I strongly recommend this product to all Mac users. How is the headphone amp in it? Does it have much power?
  4. monologuist

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    Please add me to your pre-order list for a PICO with DAC. Thanks!
  5. monologuist

    *UPDATE* REVIEW: 21 "Mainstream" portable amps. GoVibe MAGNUM added.

    To the OP (or anyoneelse with an Echo Indigo)... For mobile audio engineering/mixing, do you think the Indigo is sufficient with , say some K701's? From what you are saying, it sounds like it's neutrality would lend itself well to this application. Just ordered some K701's and trying to decide...
  6. monologuist

    Corda MOVE shortcomings

    So is The MOVE proven to be a good match for the Beyer DT-880 ? How about the K701 ?
  7. monologuist

    Which Beyerdynamic headphones for electronica and dance music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by b0dhi It means 2005 on. Ie., the new models. For electronica/dance - 2005 model DT-990 or, if you want a bit more bass at the expense of a bit of mids and air, the pre-2005 model DT-770. If you get the 250 or 600 ohm versions, you'll need a beefy amp...
  8. monologuist

    Which Beyerdynamic headphones for electronica and dance music?

    I have heard that the Beyers really shine with electronic/dance music. If price is not a consideration, which model is preferred? DT-770 DT-880 DT-990 ? Also, I keep seeing references to 2005 models being more desirable. Why is this and does this mean from 2005 and on or specifically only made...