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  1. MonolithTMA

    David Arkenstone is Amazing : )

    I only have one In The Wake Of The Wind. I've always enjoyed it, but haven't felt the need to buy any more of his stuff.
  2. MonolithTMA

    World Of Warcraft

    I don't play Wow, but I'd like to once I'm done with school. I really like solo play too, and have been trying to find good info on soloing in WoW, so this post is fortuitous! Currently I play Everquest Online Adventures on the PS2 very casually. I've played it on and off since the second...
  3. MonolithTMA

    Post your favorite lyrics.

    "We bit our lips. she looked out the window Rolling tiny balls of napkin paper I played a quick game of chess with the Salt and pepper shaker. And I could see clearly An indelible line was drawn Between what was good, what just Slipped out and what went wrong."
  4. MonolithTMA

    Post your favorite lyrics.

    "She smokes a pack a day, oh wait that's me, but anyway..."
  5. MonolithTMA

    Favorite Christmas album?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Duggeh Leon Redbone - Christmas Island. I've yet to hear any Christmas album that can match its wonderful charm. Sadly, it doesn't include the wonderful version of Baby It's Cold Outside that he did with Zooey Deschanel for the movie Elf.
  6. MonolithTMA

    Favorite Christmas album?

    A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra
  7. MonolithTMA

    A good classical music CD for a beginner?

    But a cheap sampler gives you a taste of a lot of different stuff. I don't buy greatest hit albums, and I don't buy samplers, but either is a good introduction to a genre or artist.
  8. MonolithTMA

    A good classical music CD for a beginner?

    This is a good place to start. It is a boxed set, I know you said you didn't want that, but you can get it very cheap used and it's only four discs. Classical Music for People Who Hate Classical Music [BOX SET] Here's another good one, also available cheap used. 25 Classical Favorites...
  9. MonolithTMA

    Got some 35mm slides here

    Hmmm...that looks cool, and cheap compared to some of the scanners. Looks like it would put an awful lot of torque on the camera, but then, it's probably not more than some of the giant lenses one can buy.
  10. MonolithTMA

    iTunes- 2 albums w/ same name separate

    I always add MFSL to the album name if it's the MFSL version. If it's a re-master or re-release I also indicate that.
  11. MonolithTMA

    So, I just bought the new Britney Spears album...

    Quote: Originally Posted by nickknutson LOL! I'm even more brave by admitting that Christina Aguilera is my favorite artist! I'm not always crazy about her music, but she does have one hell of a voice. I still can't believe it comes out of that tiny body.
  12. MonolithTMA

    So, I just bought the new Britney Spears album...

    I've seen the video with her dancing around a stripper pole, and that song does absolutely nothing for me. I hope it gets better.
  13. MonolithTMA

    the best 80-90 dollar IEM?

    I ordered ER6i's. They'll be here tomorrow.
  14. MonolithTMA

    the best 80-90 dollar IEM?

    Thank you! I looked at a bunch of pictures, but could never tell and didn't find that info on their web site or in a search of these forums. I have some Sony IEMs that I don't really like, but after trying the Ety ER-20 HI-FI Earplugs and really liking the fit, I'm seriously considering some ER6i's.
  15. MonolithTMA

    the best 80-90 dollar IEM?

    Can anyone tell me if the Ety ER6i's have a Y or a J cord? Thanks!
  16. MonolithTMA

    Another 'What do I do? Items shipped to me never arrive!' Thread

    I've had a few things stolen from my porch, so I now have things shipped to work or to my parents house, since they are retired and home more during the day. I hope your item arrives.
  17. MonolithTMA

    Can you tell me what song this is?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Marzie It's actually "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr. He meant the first song, not the second.
  18. MonolithTMA

    Can you tell me what song this is?

    Quote: Originally Posted by zotjen Actually, it sounds a lot like music from Candyman, in which case I hope Phillip Glass was paid for its usage. Edit: Click on the sample for track 1, Music Box. That definitely sounds...
  19. MonolithTMA

    Can you tell me what song this is?

    It does sound Elfman inspired, but I'm going to agree with F107plus5, and guess that it's either an original composition or some canned midi file.
  20. MonolithTMA

    Equalizers: A newbie needs some help.

    Some resources I found. http://digitalprosound.digitalmedian...le.jsp?id=8953
  21. MonolithTMA

    site down?

    I'd be a lot more productive if this site went down half the time.
  22. MonolithTMA

    Wanting to get more out of my HD595s..

    Quote: Originally Posted by Svperstar I am the most intelligent member of this entire forum so I don't expect you, or especially Lollan, to keep up. Nay friend, you are the most intelligent member of all forums everywhere, in all times.
  23. MonolithTMA

    South African reggae star Lucky Dube shot dead

    What an awful tragedy. I only have one of his CD's, Trinity, but I really enjoy it.
  24. MonolithTMA

    Smartwrap: Damaging to your gear?

    I have the small size (2-1/2" in diameter) because I wanted them for my HD595's and my K81DJ's. The mini is 1-3/4" in diameter which is pretty small. I'm thinking about ordering a couple of those too.
  25. MonolithTMA

    Smartwrap: Damaging to your gear?

    Cable Turtle is your friend. You don't have to wrap it tight, but it still keeps the cord neat. I have two and I love them!