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  1. SnuffJazz

    "Bright" Can Recommendations

    The Audio Technica AD900 sound like they would be a good headphone for you since you won't be using an amp ,and these are very easy to drive well.They're very detailed and definitely more on the bright side,but it is still a relatively warm headphone and has beautiful mids and bass.These are...
  2. SnuffJazz

    iPod Classic!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Amblin The iPod, at its base, is supposed to be an MP3 player, correct? Rest assured you will have no problems playing mp3s on your shiny new iPod Classic Mp3 player. Thats what I thought as well,but I remember that with Itunes to import your music to...
  3. SnuffJazz

    iPod Classic!

    I've been pretty tempted to give in to buying a 160gb,my only concern is that 99% of my music is ripped to 320kb mp3.I haven't used Itunes or and Ipod in years so I'm pretty behind on their features.So my question is would I be able to transfer my mp3s directly onto the ipod without the files...
  4. SnuffJazz

    Final decision (help wanted :))

    Both the HD595 and the AD900 are easily driven by an ipod.I think a lot of people would love the HD595's as they are.They're definitely better than a lot of headphones unamped.For me personally spending the extra bit of cash is definitely worth the improvements that the AD900 offers.Then again...
  5. SnuffJazz

    Final decision (help wanted :))

    I personally would recommend the AD900's I've been in love with mine ever since I got them.I used to have HD595's and the AD900's are much better in every way possible.My main complaint about the 595's is that they seemed to boost the bass in a lot of my music,and it wasn't a very detailed...
  6. SnuffJazz

    Open Cans for Metal

    I'm listening to Psycroptic on my AD900's right now and it sounds pretty awesome.Super Tight bass and definitely sufficient (for my tase),and the cymbals sound especially great.I think these do technical death metal pretty well,though these are definitely not for bassheads.
  7. SnuffJazz

    Searching for new headphones 200$+- (50$ the most)

    Definitely consider Audio Technica AD900's you can get them for around $236 shipped from Audiocubes.They sound perfect for you,They sound amazing without the need of extra amplification (that might make them sound slightly better :P).
  8. SnuffJazz

    advice needed: headphones for live & studio production/show

    I use Equation RP-21's for studio mixing,they do a pretty good job at presenting everything accurately,although I've noticed that they tend to slightly boost the bass,but it's a pretty ignorable amount that probably wouldn't matter much when doing live mixing.For the most part they sound pretty...
  9. SnuffJazz

    Just got Audio-Technica AD900

    I just received my AD900's and I couldn't be happier,right out of the box they sounded great,the soundstage on these cans is much wider than anything I've tried in the price range.Instrument separation is great and everything is very detailed and balanced.I've read that some people complain...