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  1. thoriated_tiger

    Are there ANY closed headphones that...

    since you already have akg 701, why not give their closed 'phones a shot? akg 271. Isolate well, are comfy (ridiculously so, imo) and, at least to me, sound pretty decent. Reasonably priced, too.
  2. thoriated_tiger

    What was your first Headphone?

    1st headphones for me were a pair of great big Sansui cans in late 70's. They were "required" to attend piano lessons. I also used 'em on whatever stereo we had then. Volume knob on each cup. Can't remember model #. Circumaural, tan and black, sealed, coiled cord. After replacing the plug a few...
  3. thoriated_tiger

    One IEM, two systems, two outcomes.

    ha, havent' seen one of those cars in a long, long time. ^.^ The more I experiment with this, the more it'd seem running the Cute in hi-gain does something to the 51's sound, beyond the hiss. Feels like that particular setup somehow "shrinks" the sound. Running it in lo-gain and all is...
  4. thoriated_tiger

    One IEM, two systems, two outcomes.

    Before I get to upgrading I should learn to use what I got better. It's hotter n' hell here today (AC down?) so the 271s are like ovens on my ears.. switch to the EX51.. plug 'em into the Cute.. then I remembered.."isn't there a gain switch on this amp?" Sure 'nuff, now I can run the 51s...
  5. thoriated_tiger

    One IEM, two systems, two outcomes.

    File under: O.o So for my b-day last week I decide to upgrade the puny thing I laughingly call "the portable". i-River IFP-790 + sony 828 buds. The pain, the pain! 1st came the transducers. Couldn't stand the 828s a second longer, so I decided to try this IEM thing.. gave the EX51 sonys a...
  6. thoriated_tiger

    Sometimes it's not only sound that matters - in search of comfortable isolation

    I can only speak for the two cans own, the Sony 7506 and the AKG 271. Both are circumaural, both are closed, both isolate. Observations on both: Sony 7506: 1. Seems to muffle less than the AKG. 2. Is heavy. 3. Can be uncomfortable. In 10 years I've maybe put 50 hours on these...
  7. thoriated_tiger

    AKG K601 isolation in a typical cube farm?

    Eh, HR hasn't said anything yet, and there's nothing in the Manual for the Recently Deceased (errr, the Employee's HAndbook) mentioning headphones. No mention at all. And I'd like to keep it that way. The fire alarm is so loud Beethoven can hear it -- in his grave, and doubleplusgood, it has...
  8. thoriated_tiger

    AKG K601 isolation in a typical cube farm?

    Welp, it seems my 271s are *too* good at isolating, had a co-worker start banging at my cube wall (!) and rapping on my desk (!) to "get my attention" today. I didn't take too kindly to that. All the fool had to do was wave. I have a mirror on my monitor to see behind me. I was deep in...
  9. thoriated_tiger

    I blame Head-Fi.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Chrispy I laughed out loud at that "Chibi version" comment. Heh well it's true! They're aptly named, they're too @#!# cute to be for real.. but they are. They remind me of Audio Research gear left too long in the wash.. One day I'll bring 'em home...
  10. thoriated_tiger

    I blame Head-Fi.

    Thanks for the welcome, folks. I wish that the electronics industry had something to deal with the smell of bad TV dinners and burnt popcorn, but alas.. not to be. Not yet, anyway. Other than the home headphone rig (which would be 100% luxury, I allready have not one, but two very...
  11. thoriated_tiger

    I blame Head-Fi.

    Life was good. I had an office, I had a vintage Pioneer receiver (SX-780), I had a pair of very cute Infinity RS-1000 speakers (bought 'em with my first "real" paycheck in 1985).. and then we were told, due to growth in the IT dept (us), the IT dept was moving into cubicle-land. No more...