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  1. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I've been meaning to buy an AMP/DAC around $200 for the Yinman 600, but I'm not sure which one to pick. I'm also not sure if here's the best place to ask. The ones I've been looking at are: 1. Fiio K11 (Looks cool). 2. Fiio KA17 (High power output while remaining portable). 3. Topping DX3 Pro+...
  2. S

    MOONDROP Earbuds Returns!

    I thought they would be as expensive (or close) to the Chaconne.
  3. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Oh, well, now I'm also interested in the LREY Aurora's. How do they compare to the Yinman's, what's the price and where can I buy them?
  4. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Is there that much of a difference in sound between the same driver, but with higher impedance? I know thinner cables and a bigger coil generates a stronger magnetic response, but is the lesser distortion that differentiable between, say a 120Ohm driver and a 600Ohm driver.
  5. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thank you. So many people recommend the Yinman's, so I'll go with that one and LBBS or FF3 (I haven't decided yet). Apparently, the FF3 and Yinman are both bassy earbuds, but the FF3 offers a bit more rumble while the latter is all-around better, so I'm leaning towards the LBBS as a second...
  6. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thanks, I'll take a look at them later. I've decided on the Yinman 2.0 600 ohm and was thinking on getting a cheaper one to go along with it, maybe the FF3 or some other, so I'll definitely add that one to my list. I'm sorry about the spelling mistakes in my post you quoted! I was half-asleep...
  7. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Wow, thank you so much for taking your time to write up such a detailed explanation. Reading your explanation very thoroughly — yes, I was mistaking treble with clarity. Consequently, it was one of the reasons I was so-so about the Yinman's; they seem to be exactly what I'm looking for, but I...
  8. S

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Hi, I'm new to earbuds and I was wondering which of these earbuds would fit my tastes more: - Fiio FF3s - Fiio FF5 - RW-3000 - Yinman 600 ohm I like electronic, trance, jazz and euro-pop. Apart from music, I sometimes watch movies and play games from time to time, so it would be nice if the...