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  1. H

    Beyerdynamic T5 (3rd Generation)

    Nice review have you heard sony-mdr z1r?
  2. H

    Beyerdynamic T5 (3rd Generation)

    Comparison between d9200 vs radiance?
  3. H

    Denon AH-7200

    I agree with you and i use them with eq and i would like denon to eq the drivers itself for more sparkly presentation without using software tweaks. Eq is not at all efficient when im not on my pc, i have to listen to this veiled sound signature. They should make a revision to this headset with...
  4. H

    Denon AH-7200

    The mids and highs are veiled. For my personal preference i would like more sparkle in higher frequencies. They sound way too relaxed and less exciting
  5. H

    Denon AH-7200

    Acc. To my judgment d7200 main focus is bass, The higher frequencies are rolled off very early, The mids are forward but not as clean or detailed due to The treble, soundstaging is decent
  6. H

    Denon AH-7200

    D7200s are a bit easier going and more relaxed sound. And its strengths are the bass and sub bass extension, “mids and speed” Mids and speed better than clear?