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  1. E

    Precog's IEM Reviews & Impressions

    Haha thanks! Well, now I have to buy both :p
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    Precog's IEM Reviews & Impressions

    Would you say that they compliment each other or one could live with just one of them
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    Precog's IEM Reviews & Impressions

    If you have 1k euro, which iem would you get: u4s or supernova?
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    The discovery thread!

    Wow, surely that dx320 is big. Thanks for posting this photo @Scuba Devils
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    The discovery thread!

    I am also considering the supernova as iem upgrade, would Ibasso dx320 or M6U give me a better investment than staying with dongle and get a “better” iem?
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    The discovery thread!

    So safe to buy through classfieds yes?
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    The discovery thread!

    Is it safe to buy a used dap or a new one? Considering this would be my first dap
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    The discovery thread!

    Thanks a lot for your response. I was considering the Ibasso dx320, is the M6 ultra around that level?
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    The discovery thread!

    May I ask which upgrade path is best? I have Ibasso DC04 Pro dongle with Shuoer S12 Pro. What should I upgrade first? IEM or get a nice DAP. Budget around 1k.
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    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Hi, is m15s way better than m11 plus?
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    The discovery thread!

    Thanks! I noticed that you also have the Sony wm1, how’s that compared to fiio?
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    The discovery thread!

    Thanks a lot, looking forward for your comparison!
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    The discovery thread!

    Thanks for all the advice. May I ask, is fiio m15s any clinical sounding? Or more neutral / warm?
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    The discovery thread!

    Yeah that would be ideal setup! Is there a noticeable difference in sound quality from Ibasso DC04 Pro vs m15S? This dongle is rated pretty high according to Andy from donglemadness
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    The discovery thread!

    I mean, what’s the most optimum way to use the budget.
  16. E

    The discovery thread!

    Thanks. So I guess a M15 + supernova > Crimson?
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    The discovery thread!

    For source I use Ibasso DC04 pro, iphone and lossless Apple Music, isn’t it good enough or do I need a DAP? I think that investing more in IEM than in electronics would generally provide best sounding experience, no?
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    The discovery thread!

    Which option sounds best with a budget upto 1500$. 1) Crimson, 2) 7th acoustics supernova and save the remaining cash, 3) something else ? I only have S12pro but I would like to go straight to “end” game (I know there’s no end in this game/hobby :) )
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    The discovery thread!

    Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into Ascension as well. In case I can’t wait, is Supernova a safe / good iem for my situation though?
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    The discovery thread!

    Thanks for answering! Acoustic music and vocals is my main playlist, I am no basshead so if I can get all those improvements to the mids without losing any bass slam compared to s12 then I guess it would be a clear upgrade for me. Bass slam from s12 is almost enough, ideally would want just a...
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    The discovery thread!

    hello, may I ask if supernova has more bass slam than s12 pro? I know that generally is a recommended iem and I am seeking an upgrade from s12
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    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello, I am new to forum and wanted to say hi! Very nice place to be a part of :)