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  1. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Yay, congrats! I agree with @jonathan c, everything was very well packed. You'll have to let us know how it sounds when you get everything set up.
  2. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm listening to the Aegis on my Atrium Open right now and it's sounding pretty phenomenal. When it comes to the Atrium Closed... well, it already sounded lovely on my Holo Bliss but the Aegis has taken it to another level entirely. I think you'll be quite pleased! ... once FedEx gets their act...
  3. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I've been listening to my Aegis for a few hours now and WOW! This sounds incredible. I was able to try the DIY version with the Caldera Open, Atrium Open, and Atrium Closed at CanJam SoCal last year and remember really enjoying how good everything sounded together. Being able to listen to the...
  4. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Mine just went from "Out for delivery" to "Delivery exception"...:sweat: I was home and ready. Thankfully, the TAD/69NS Tube Kit from the same shipment arrived. Maybe the driver just didn't have a hand truck?
  5. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    This looks like it will be perfect for my use case. Just submitted an order. Thanks for the recommendation!
  6. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Thank you for the recommendations. I appreciate it!
  7. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I would prefer not to break the bank, but I'm open to options in any of those price brackets.
  8. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm going to have to pick up a pair of RCA interconnects pretty soon here so I can listen to the Aegis when it arrives. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  9. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I couldn't resist... placed my order a few minutes ago!
  10. fuhnoo

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these stay available to purchase for a bit. I 100% plan to purchase one, but will need to wait a few months before I'm able to pull the trigger.
  11. fuhnoo

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    You perfectly captured my sentiment on this as well... although I would like to also recommend the Auteur Suede (SOLID) pads for the AC. These kept the punch + (most of the) bass of the lambskin pads and the smoothness + airiness of the Caldera suedes in addition to improving isolation over...
  12. fuhnoo

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    I'm trying to chill on buying headphones for a bit, but if I saw a Caldera Closed in Cocobolo burl, I would probably not be able to stop myself.
  13. fuhnoo

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    My thoughts exactly! When I saw that picture earlier today, I showed my wife and told her my next ZMF would be something with cocobolo. It's the wood that got me interested in ZMF headphones to begin with.
  14. fuhnoo

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    If you're not a planar magnetic fan, your gut may be correct here. That said, the Caldera is a planar with one of the liveliest attacks and most pleasant timbres I've ever heard. At this point, the Atrium and Caldera share roughly equal time on my head as I like them for very different reasons...
  15. fuhnoo

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    This echoes my sentiment as well... although, if I'm being honest, I did see some really choice Calderas available for purchase at CanJam last year. It may be worth giving one of those a look if people plan on going to CanJam anyway...
  16. fuhnoo

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    Agreed about the minor changes to the bass with the Bliss after it's been on for a bit. I leave my May on 24/7, barring 3+ day trips away from home. I usually power on my Bliss in the morning when I start work for the day and only turn it off when I'm confident I'm done using it for the day.
  17. fuhnoo

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Totally agreed. It strikes such a beautiful balance.
  18. fuhnoo

    The ZMF Weight Project

    They are indeed chunky bois! The BBB strap is the real MVP here though as the weight is distributed well enough where the heaviness doesn't bother me--even for longer listening sessions.
  19. fuhnoo

    The ZMF Weight Project

    Caldera Redheart Ruby magnesium chassis Black rods and grille Red BBB strap Stock Caldera pads 513g Atrium Open Stabilized Maple Burl (blue w/black resin) Black magnesium chassis Gunmetal rods and grille Black BBB strap Universe pads 624g Atrium Closed Brown Mallee Burl Black aluminum...
  20. fuhnoo

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    I decided to weigh all of my ZMFs: Redheart Caldera: 513g Brown Mallee Burl AC: 632g (Zach did warn me about this being a particularly heavy/hard wood when I bought these at CanJam) Apparition AO: 624g Strangely enough, the AC feels significantly heavier despite only weighing 8g more.
  21. fuhnoo

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    I'm not sure how representative this is of a typical buying experience at a CanJam, but I purchased an A-stock Brown Mallee burl Atrium Closed for $2500 at CanJam SoCal this year. Part of that discount accounted for the fact that they did not have Seahorse cases available to go with their...
  22. fuhnoo

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    I'm definitely getting a similar theme. Maybe Galactic or Supernova?
  23. fuhnoo

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Definitely a good idea! I went to CanJam SoCal this year entertaining the possibility of buying a closed back for <= $1000 USD and ended up leaving with an A stock Atrium Closed.
  24. fuhnoo

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    I didn't even know it was possible to passively listen on the Caldera. Every time I listen to mine, it commands my full attention and makes me a bit less productive... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: