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  1. M

    The (Un)Official Amp Thread For ZMF Headphones

    I don't think battery life would be an important factor as I only listen at my desktop, so it'd be always connected to my laptop (unless I don't understand something). Though as I change locations often and live out of my luggage, I need something that's not too big and doesn't consume a power...
  2. M

    The (Un)Official Amp Thread For ZMF Headphones

    Not more than $500-800 hopefully, preferably less. Though I'm new to this, so I don't know if we're talking about a marginal benefit or night and day. I wouldn't call myself a trained listener. My only experience has been with AKG 712 so far, from which I'm looking to upgrade. Have to admit...
  3. M

    The (Un)Official Amp Thread For ZMF Headphones

    Hi, everybody! What do you think is the most portable way to drive Aeolus (to an acceptable extent)? I understand that to reach its sonic pinnacle some more heavy-duty hardware may be required, but my lifestyle involves changing locations often, so I'd need a lighter solution, one that can be...
  4. M

    Looking to upgrade from AKG 712 Pro (budget up to $2000)

    What do you guys think about ZMF Aeoulus? What do you think is the most portable way to drive them?
  5. M

    Looking to upgrade from AKG 712 Pro (budget up to $2000)

    Thanks for the suggestion! Could you share a couple of words on what you like about HiFiMan HE6se? When I say that I travel a lot, I mean that I change locations often, but I listen at my desktop. So headphones size is not very important, as long as they're comfortable over long listening...
  6. M

    Looking to upgrade from AKG 712 Pro (budget up to $2000)

    Hello! I'm seeking your advice for my next headphone upgrade. Currently, I'm using AKG 712's. They've been great for 7 years, but I'm wondering if there's a better set out there for me. Budget: Up to $2000. Sound: I favor bass-heavy music but don't want to compromise on clarity or balance...