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    Unable to hear any difference between 2 setups

    true, the pietus could be a hard sell, it depends on how long you want to wait.

    Unable to hear any difference between 2 setups

    if you can't hear a difference with that gear, a headphone upgrade won't help. sell the one worth the most.

    Pick a headphone off my rack ...

    monoliths, they look nicest in my opinion

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    maybe, dynamics do have a wider rear dispersion, maybe better for cancelling incoming waves?

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    nope, i was thinking the S3 was anc, there must be a reason that they don't make them surely?

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    my my bad. edifier made a anc planar i think

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    don't they? i thought maxwell had ANC. my mistake:)

    iFi Audio asks... What was your first piece of iFi Gear?

    I bought a Hip Dac as my first foray into the headfi world, I bought it on a runout sale from Addicted to Audio, with some birthday money from my grandparents. originally bought it to use with my Fiio JH3 IEMs, and Sennheiser Momentum headphones. now I use it to drive everything from Elegias to...

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    passive noise cancellation relies heavily on the shape of your head, of the earpads don't seal perfectly then passive cancellation has little benefit. if you are not a fan for hifi listening then that's fine, but, as mentioned many times already, ANC provides the best compromise between sound...
  10. WILLJS

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    i would tend to agree, even ANC headphones from flagship companies like focal and audeze are sold at a relatively low price and marketed at the consumer market, rather than the audiophile one
  11. WILLJS

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    the apple start up noise
  12. WILLJS

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    Fiio X1->Sennheiser HD4.30 = Settle for Nothing, Rage Against the Machine.
  13. WILLJS

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    thanks, i've never actually heard the celestee, as i said. i was just going off reviews i've read.
  14. WILLJS

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    depands on how cheap the celestees are, i've heard (and read) that they are a significat upgrade from the elegia.
  15. WILLJS

    Reccomendations for Headphones that are good for watching movies?

    I like the Sennheiser Momentum models for movies, great soundstage (especially for closed back) and bass.
  16. WILLJS

    New headphones

    I would suggest listening to some pairs at your nearest hifi shop, rather than buying blind. if you want a similar sound I would say try other models from Audio-Technica, as most of their consumer models are tuned much the same.
  17. WILLJS

    Weaning my little brother off Airpod Pros 2

    thankyou for calling me out on that, i don't want to give people the wrong idea.
  18. WILLJS

    Weaning my little brother off Airpod Pros 2

    thanks, i should clarify better, what i meant was, if you wanted to try iems purely for sound quality, and not convenience, ANC, etc. then you are better off wired. i did not mean to discredit bluetooth, it is pretty incredible these days.
  19. WILLJS

    Weaning my little brother off Airpod Pros 2

    wired IEMs or headphones which cost less than half as much are still better for sound quality than these models, even being massively improved over the previous ones.
  20. WILLJS

    I have the Beyerdynamic Amiron Home's w/ Magni+/Modi+. I am wanting more bass. Should I EQ or sell for Audeze LCD-2C?

    a subtle 4dB Boost at about 85Hz is a nice way to boost bass without muddying the rest of the frequencies. any more than about 5dB then you could get Harmonic Distortion issues. i would recommend Equaliser APO, Peace EQ
  21. WILLJS

    I have the Beyerdynamic Amiron Home's w/ Magni+/Modi+. I am wanting more bass. Should I EQ or sell for Audeze LCD-2C?

    eq is an easy and free option, you could always try EQ first, then upgrade if it doesn't do what you want
  22. WILLJS

    Weaning my little brother off Airpod Pros 2

    if you wanted to get some wired iems that are an upgrade, you wouldn't have to spend more then $150 at most, a lot of the cheaper Fiios sound really good. that way if he doesn't like them then it won't metter so much
  23. WILLJS

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    i saw some Sivgas in a hifi shop in NZ a while ago, they look really nice, good to see some moderately priced cans that both sound and look great!
  24. WILLJS

    Reading Graphs: Are Measurements Representative of Sonic Experience?

    there is some merit to meaurements, but not solely as a way to judge what a headphone will sound like. it is useful to be able to compare measurements of two headphones, if you have heard one of them, for example, if you have heard the HD600, and you have the measurements beside those of another...