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  1. mulet65

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Love those old Mazda 6V6Gs, very cool looking! Looks like you have a great combination there. Happy listening! :)
  2. mulet65

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Thanks! I’ve got some NOS of both types on order and am looking forward to my first rolling session. I appreciate your advice. So far I am absolutely in love with this little masterpiece of an amp. With my Elites it has opened the door to complete sonic bliss! :k701smile:
  3. mulet65

    MEZE AUDIO ELITE - The New Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone - official thread

    I really like my Elites with my A&K SP2000T. The hybrid tube design allows you to tweak the warmth while still maintaining clarity. It also happens to be roughly in your price range. Good luck and happy listening! :)
  4. mulet65

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Thank you for your recommendations! Happy listening :)
  5. mulet65

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Thanks! Yeah, I noticed that these seem to be very reasonably priced compared with other NOS.
  6. mulet65

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Thinking about getting a pair of these based on your description. Do you have any 6V6 recommendations? I’m new to tube amps and am wondering which tubes on the HA-3A will alter the sound more: the 12au7s or the 6V6s or both. Really loving this amp but trying to plan ahead for some rolling. Happy...
  7. mulet65

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Hello! Complete newbie to Head-Fi here, but I wanted my first post to be one of appreciation to everyone in this thread in particular. Just received my new beauty today and am currently enjoying complete sonic bliss. I spent a lot of time reading your posts, thoughts and opinions and learned so...