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  1. Z

    ONIX Alpha XI1 - Smallest & Most Affordable ONIX DAC - High-Power Portable USB DAC/AMP

    Technical wise its around the same level. KA17 is cold and analytical compared to Alpha. Based on some friends impressions.
  2. Z

    PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs

    T10 is clean and lean, mp145 have more weight and texture.
  3. Z

    PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs

    That's why it's going to be my first ciem. 🤣 All 14mm or bigger planar have a big shell. Fitting is a challenge. 🤣
  4. Z

    PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs

    Tried both. Bought t10. It has better value. Mp145 tho might be technically slightly better but also have more splashy treble and bigger housing which may affect fitting.
  5. Z

    The Hi-Fi + Hi-Res Audiophiles' Bluetooth Headphone Adapter Thread - [17.Oct.21] iFi GO Blu impression added

    There is an app? I saw a review in youtube that it doesn't have app. 😅 From sound quality perspective, is it as good as btr15? Edit : it has app.
  6. Z

    NEW HiBy R4

    Maybe you put it on line out mode.
  7. Z

    The Hi-Fi + Hi-Res Audiophiles' Bluetooth Headphone Adapter Thread - [17.Oct.21] iFi GO Blu impression added

    Waiting for your full impressions. Please compare it with btr15. I have btr15, might grab bte-8 when 618 comes.
  8. Z

    ONIX Alpha XI1 - Smallest & Most Affordable ONIX DAC - High-Power Portable USB DAC/AMP

    Some friend already got their unit. They rated it above Colorfly CDA M2. Current impressions are the Alpha is smooth and powerful.
  9. Z

    NEW HiBy R4

    Can you compare it to latest FA5? Overall usability and pure Sound Quality?
  10. Z

    Obscure Chinese DAPs

    Had the fa4. SQ is great. Bugs and software quirks here and there. Biggest cons for me is fa4 is too powerful for my iems at that time so i sold mine. Im keeping my eyes on fa5 tho.
  11. Z

    ONIX Alpha XI1 - Smallest & Most Affordable ONIX DAC - High-Power Portable USB DAC/AMP

    I just blindly ordered. Just want to tamper my expectations.
  12. Z

    Home-Made IEMs

    This guy on AliExpress use 50mm for back. Is it the same?
  13. Z

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I have a chance to try ka17 yesterday. But passed it and tried CMA18P. Got my mind blown. 🤣
  14. Z

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Ah. That's great. I'll try tp50 first then ill decide to buy the plus 4. Some friends told me that the plus 4 sounds harsh. But from what ive tried in the past, they're pretty good. Well i guess i just need to try them. 🤣
  15. Z

    Reply to review by 'zie5522' on item 'Fiio FA19'

    I just want to compare my custom tuned iem to this fiio. 🤣
  16. Z

    Reply to review by 'zie5522' on item 'Fiio FA19'

    Do you upload your masurements?
  17. Z

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I usually use btr15 with pc using pc mode while charge it. It goes moderately warm too. They advertise some features about the battery protection. Ill count them on that promise. 😅
  18. Z

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    You have it too? Mind to share some reviews and comparisons? Especially against btr15. I might connect my btr15 permanently to my ciem. So, im in the market for other good value dongles.
  19. Z

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    They're available in AE and TB. They look like a great deal. But, currently in my country epz tp50 looks like a better deal, cheaper with more features.
  20. Z

    Home-Made IEMs

  21. Z

    PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs

    Already forgot how timeless sound. But daruma is great too.,Etymotic_ER2SE,7Hz_Timeless