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  1. S

    Sony WM-EX20 doesn't power on, need help troubleshooting

    Forgot to add it was working fine prior, no issues as the unit looks new.
  2. S

    Sony WM-EX20 doesn't power on, need help troubleshooting

    Hey all, Have an issue with my EX20 that's got me stumped. It was working fine until I put in one of those replacement NH-14WM batteries. I first tried the fully charged battery in my MZ-E900 and the motor went crazy when I tried to play a MD. I took out the battery and tried it in the EX20...
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    Sony XBA-A3 - Impressions Thread

    Just received new M12SM1 cable. Kind of like the idea of the pinned connector. Also, didn't notice at first that the connector is angled unlike the M12SM2. Right off the bat, the higher frequencies come in clearer & more forward. I had to reduce the treble gain and EQ on my Walkmans. I still...
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    Sony XBA-A3 - Impressions Thread

    What's up, y'all! New here, but not to world of audio. Picked up 2 of these XBA-A3s and they sound awesome. Very noticeable improvement on the XBA-3. I'd like to replace the cable and was wondering if anyone paired these with the Z1R's cables? Otherwise I'll get the MUC-M12SM1 or 2. Which...