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  1. John Useless

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I am also very curious about what we can expect in terms of bass response vs the SR1-A and CA-1A in these new headphones.
  2. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Just need to shout out Danny (@SageM) for the excellent customer service and warranty coverage RAAL Requisite provides. I recently had an issue with my VM-1a. One of the power tube sockets started red plating all the time, swapping or replacing tubes didn't make the issue move but rather it...
  3. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    So I know everyone has moved on to TI-1a excitement, but I want to come back tot he VM-1a and 6SL7 vs 6SN7. I did find some time today to swap in a spare Tung-Sol 6SL7 I had on hand. The increase in gain is immediately noticeable of course, and it did feel like there is some small benefit in...
  4. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Very interesting and good to know both are safe and suitable to use. I am definitely going to have to try a 6SL7 now myself. I hadn't even noticed that the labeling on the amp didn't match the pdf spec/manual and actual tube so thanks @FLTWS for spotting that! I don't think I need any...
  5. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Good to hear you are still enjoying! I am really continuing to love mine as well. Granted I was coming from a Jotunheim R as my main listening amp rather than a HSA-1B but the difference is so big and the VM-1a really lets the SR-1a reach their full potential in my opinion. Everything is warm...
  6. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I didn't have a kill-a-watt on hand to measure power usage, but have now borrowed one. In Triode mode once warmed up I get readings around 160-200 watts. In Ultralinear 160-200ish as well. I saw some short spikes up to around 220-240 in the first few minutes or so after turning on. Seems...
  7. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    It shows! The headroom on the VM-1a vs the Jotunheim R is a big improvement for sure. I've been listening mostly in triode the rest of today on non-classical music with a higher average volume level and it's clear that the VM-1a really makes the SR1a shine in a way that the Jotunheim R while...
  8. John Useless

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Hi new forum member here, but long time occasional lurker. I just recently bought the SR1a and a Jotunheim R a few weeks back, and now have also received a VM-1a just today. I wanted to report that I also got the Mullard tubes with mine. I'm just beginning to listen and burn in the VM-1a but...
  9. John Useless

    RAAL-requisite SR1a Clipping Issues

    Thanks for the advice, I am more than confident Raal will offer me great support, but I have wanted to make sure I'm having a real issue with the Jotunheim R before bugging them. In a classic audiophile move I decided I was excited enough about the SR1a so far that I should just buy a second...
  10. John Useless

    RAAL-requisite SR1a Clipping Issues

    New poster but long time occasional lurker here. I just got my SR1A and Jotunheim R this week and was having some clipping/distortion issues myself which seemed to be the Jotunheim. I discovered your thread and it's been very helpful. I tested the same Eroica track and immediately heard the...