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  1. tonedaf

    Bluedio HT H-Turbine 57mm Driver BT Headphones review

    So I've just received the T2+. It looks nice, build quality is plastic-y but decent for the price, but the sound is... pretty awful even though I don't have golden ears..  I don't have a pair of apple earbuds handy to compare with, but I daresay it is worse than those freebie earphones.   I'm...
  2. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: When you called them I hope you take in account regional time difference with Syracuse, New York. 7pm here is 6am there. If offices open 9am then 10pm is. Yes, I called during (what should be) business hours in EST.
  3. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by fcchan I know how you feel but is it too late to tell you not to be hasty? We waited nearly 2 years for Westone3. And they come with Minibox. But it's this very thing that makes you angry: The sweet promise but no deliver. I am going to wait a few days...
  4. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by fcchan Hey Tonedaf I still don't have response from Keith for my Westone 3. His last email was 1st December, asked confirmation for my address, then fell silent. Can you imagine how that feels not knowing heads nor tails. Call up my bank, credit card...
  5. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by fcchan i received an email from americantechpushers (Mr Keith) asking for reconfirmation of my delivery address few days ago. I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I put my address in that reply. In that same email, I asked when will my Westone 3 arrive using the...
  6. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Has anyone received their Westone 3 (pre-order or otherwise) or a tracking number from AmericanTechPushers? I haven't received any word from them since re-submitting my pre-order card details a couple of weeks ago...
  7. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    I wonder... After all this time, is it still "the first true universal fit three-way earphone"?
  8. tonedaf

    Test your hearing

    tonedeaf - 77.8% adaptive pitch - 2.2Hz (1st try), 0.675Hz (2nd try) rhythmdeaf - 72% Guess I can change my nick.
  9. tonedaf

    There's Something About Ultrasone…

    Yeah, I think Contrastique asked about the costs of repairing/replace ed9 cables. I'm looking to get prolines, so cables aren't a problem (ie, just buy a replacement pair). Guess I'm more concerned about the possible ??? quality control ??? issues voiced earlier in the thread. head-fi'ers...
  10. tonedaf

    There's Something About Ultrasone…

    Quote: Originally Posted by Dexdexter Hans is correct, the Edition 9 are 5 years, as stated on the special Editions site. The others are 2 years, as seen on the Ultrasone USA site: I just finished reading this thread (187 pages!) and I'm...
  11. tonedaf

    does the hornet cut out?

    Yeah, it appears to be so. I was told (by the retailer, not Ray) that inserting protection would affect battery life or sound quality, so that's that. I'm sure Ray wouldn't scrimp on polarity protection for a $350 amp if it doesn't compromise the sound or other important design consideration.
  12. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    uhmm... happy birthday powderhound. this is kinda in reverse, but do we get a birthday present? =)
  13. tonedaf

    does the hornet cut out?

    And the answer is due to batteries inserted in the reverse polarity... I'd actually looked at the picture, and checked the batteries twice before inserting it. Let this be a warning to all that Ray means what he says about making sure the polarity is correct, and this can be a symptom of...
  14. tonedaf

    does the hornet cut out?

    Ok, so the switch color isn't indicating anything wrong (phew) I didn't describe my problem precisely... I'd really meant that when I turn on the hornet, it sometimes produces music, and sometimes just produces silence. So, to fix that description: Yeah, I'll check with Ray and the retail shop...
  15. tonedaf

    does the hornet cut out?

    Hi. I just bought a new rsa hornet yesterday and left it to charge with one of the included maha 300 batteries last night. This morning, I disconnected it from the charger, plugged it into my macbook with a mini-mini, and to my hd650. When I switch it on, the power switch glows orange/amber...
  16. tonedaf

    Finger on the trigger.. just about too pull it...Livewires or Atrio's! Few questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Singapura Lots of people from the Singapore forum ( have ordered the Livewires locally. I'm waiting for to hear from them before I pull the trigger myself. The problem, of course, being that Livewires' 30-day return policy only...
  17. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by sprucester There is no real proof (that I'm aware of) that there has been any modification to the design, however, the specs in the official pre-announcement on Westone's website are different than those p0wderh0und23 originally gave us back in January...
  18. tonedaf

    IEMs and tinnitus

    That's good news. Did you find yourself turning up the volume (with full size cans) to cover background noise at home, though?
  19. tonedaf

    help a newbie pick an amp :)

    thanks for the recommendation bigpoppa. Do you think the color of the red tomahawk or red hornet would go well with a colorware'd ferrari red ipod?
  20. tonedaf

    Red Hornet M has landed... (56k, don't even)

    Any ideas whether the red hornet will go well with a colorware ferrari red ipod?
  21. tonedaf

    help a newbie pick an amp :)

    Quote: Originally Posted by islewind Trust your ears. Sure, you should learn to listen more and more critically as time goes on, but above all, trust your own ears. Many people will try to tell you what you are supposed to be hearing, and it is often the power of suggestion at work...
  22. tonedaf

    help a newbie pick an amp :)

    Hi all. I'm looking for an amp that would be suitable for my current/future headphones. Or perhaps I'm wondering if an amp will be required or is the best use of my $$$. First, some info on the headphones I currently have and plan to get in the future. I currently have a stock hd650, as...
  23. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by Culverin i don't think this has been asked yet, but will the westone 3's use their own sized tips? i'm seriously considering getting UM56's, but it would be a pretty big hinderance to get them and then not be able to use them with my 3's if/when i get them...
  24. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    i live in a country without seasons... so, when powerderhound said they hope to make it available in early summer, roughly when is that? I was under the impression that summer is may-july for the northern hemisphere?
  25. tonedaf

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by forsberg What I dont understand is how this was just announced a few days before the 21st. This made me think it could've been a small setback and perhaps delayed another week. If it is such a big change that it cant get released until mid/late summer as...