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  1. Pricey

    Corda XXS Issue

    Lol yeah I've had the battery issue too but this is a separate issue. I've managed to push the PCB closer to the faceplate which has reduced the play in the volume knob quite a bit, but is still has a fair wobble to it. I think maybe the jack internals are dirty and its only making a connection...
  2. Pricey

    Corda XXS Issue

    I'm using a Paliccs iPod line out and MS-1's. I can't see how they would be too short? The actual circuit board has stepped back a bit from the face of the amp allowing it about 1mm of play (quite a bit). I'll have to take the face off the amp and push the CB back into place. The jacks are...
  3. Pricey

    Corda XXS Issue

    My amp is starting to loose the right channel with my portable ipod/xxs setup. Since new the xxs has been velcro'd to the ipod which has put constant stress on the jacks as the ipod-lineout/xxs-linein cable wants to bend straight. I have to wiggle the cables in the opposite direction to the...
  4. Pricey

    Levels and Deafness

    Since I've bought my portable headphone amp I've noticed my folks keep telling me to turn my music down. It doesn't really help with zero isolation MS-1's/Grados in general. I generally find a volume where I can hear the music in perfect clarity, usually about 1/3 of my Corda SXX's capacity...
  5. Pricey

    Do I have OCD...

    haha no I don't have OCD, I was just kind of using the term lightly to discuss my immense frustration for this untangling ritual. It'd be so much easier if the cables had a thin white line running from the Y to the drivers! I doubt it'd look out of place. Kinda OT, but I always have to put my...
  6. Pricey

    Do I have OCD...

    Does anyone have any hardened tricks to getting it done any quicker. I swear some days its like someone has disconnected one driver and spun it around a hundred times then put it back on. *looks over shoulder*
  7. Pricey

    Do I have OCD...

    ... or are there other folk who spend 5 minutes twisting and inverting their grados/alessandros every time they pull them out of their bag to try and get the two cables running straight down and untwined into the Y connector?
  8. Pricey

    Mid level Vinyl Headphone System

    Uncle Eric, I've noticed your selling your NAD PP2 to go the tube route. What was it exactly that you weren't satisfied with in the NAD?
  9. Pricey

    Mid level Vinyl Headphone System

    Would a different cartridge solve the problem you've mentioned regarding hum? I'll check out the Bellari hey!
  10. Pricey

    Fiio amps?

    I'd prefer cheap stuff for portables anyway. $10 isn't alot to lose/break. It sounds like a win/win. Would your run the amp an iPods line out like normal portable amps, or would you run it from the iPods audio out?
  11. Pricey

    Fiio amps?

    Oh BTW. Any idea of battery life?
  12. Pricey

    Fiio amps?

    P.S. Dealextreme coupon code: BULKRATE Buy 3 of the same item and get a discount (Usually around 10%)
  13. Pricey

    Mid level Vinyl Headphone System

    Will the solid state preamp and amp you've mentioned detract from the analogue nature of the vinyl? The NAD PP2 seems to be a favourite here.
  14. Pricey

    Mid level Vinyl Headphone System

    juniperlater that looks like a sweet setup for only $1k! Gazza, point taken. How do preamps/amps fair? Are they as susceptible to damage in transit?
  15. Pricey

    Mid level Vinyl Headphone System

    Well not really. Just looking across a few websites to judge prices and what not, I've come up with a $1500 budget (AUD). But I haven't dealt with vinyl before, I'm not sure if sources are more expensive going vinyl that CD. Though if I had to spend an extra couple hundred to get a product...
  16. Pricey

    Mid level Vinyl Headphone System

    Mods not sure if this is the right place to post. Feel free to shuffle. ---------------------------------------------------------------- My Alessandro MS1's have finally carked it. I really enjoyed having good music to listen too and have appreciated every second of them and they've held up...
  17. Pricey

    Your favourite rig.

    Quote: Originally Posted by dr.morton Pricey, I am not sure if there will be too many responses. Like yourself most Head-Fiers seem to be on the search of the ultimate rig. Not so, I'm not really interested in the ulti-rig. More keen to see what people have found works for...
  18. Pricey

    Your favourite rig.

    Awesome reply's guys! Keep em coming!
  19. Pricey

    Your favourite rig.

    Everyone here is always ranting and raving on different gear, but for the sake of sifting through 100,000 threads looking for compatability and the best for my gear. I want to know what you own, and what you feel works. This is not a "this WOULD be the best thread", or "i wish I had a B52...
  20. Pricey

    Govibe vs Minibox-D (Source iPod)

    I reckon. There's just soo much out there and so many different brand's to compare. It seems that because there's so many brands, good reviews are hard to find... although that 20 portamp comparo was a pretty good read. What rigs are the PA2V2 and govibe suited for?
  21. Pricey

    Govibe vs Minibox-D (Source iPod)

    Both are crazy expensive for my limited student budget. AE-2 looks cool though. Uraflit, thanks for a decent response! I'm running them through Alessandro MS-1's ATM, but later on down the line I might upgrade to something better. Hmm, I'm really not sure if an amp is nessesary, but I...
  22. Pricey

    Govibe vs Minibox-D (Source iPod)

    I'm looking at both amps at the moment, what do you headphone gods deem better?
  23. Pricey

    Headphone AMP and general questions.

    Yay first post! I've just sort of stepped into the high quality headphone scene recently. I just bought some Alessandro MS-1's and I'm loving them. I'm keen to get a decent portable amp and I've been looking at the Minibox-d, mainly due to its small size and price. My source is a 5th...