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  1. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    Does the app Wavelet work on Apple devices? Works wonders for the LCD-i3 on my Android devices, except sadly the M15 which doesn't support Android 10.
  2. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    I think you're overselling the Lightning Cipher cable. The built-in EQ isn't doing that much. I use my LCDi3 with BT Cipher and Wavelet EQ. Sounds great after the EQ. Without EQ they sound like a nasally mess. Amp doesn't matter when the tuning is so out of whack. On my Fiio M15 with a...
  3. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    I sold my Lightning cipher cable a few months ago for $200 on eBay. Apple won't be using Lightning connectors forever, so IMO it's of limited use (and I don't own a single Apple product myself).
  4. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    Get this, it works great: I finally got an LCD i3 just before Christmas and have been using it heavily for the past couple weeks. The above cable (with 4.4mm end) into my Fiio M15 sounds okay. From a 2.5mm balanced connection on a Fiio BTR5 connected to my...
  5. C

    FiiO M15 Audio Player | Dual AK4499EQ | 7490 mAh Battery | 64 GB ROM | $1299.99

    Not to be a downer but there is positively no sound to an sd card period. That's firmly in the realm of crazy. Ones and zeros. What's next, different copies of the file sound better or worse?
  6. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    Dang - I would've been your guy, but the vendor I thought I bought an LCDi3 from sent me an iSine10. After some wrangling I got most of my money back and kept the iSine to demo. Anyway, I might buy an LCDi3 yet, but I have no interest/need for the cipher. If you see a deal on a full package let...
  7. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    I use the Fiio music player on my M15 or Spotify (it runs Android). Both have EQ, but I have never done anything but flat. I will first try out a custom EQ on Spotify (which I will also use on my Surface phone, via Bluetooth). I'm not at the moment looking for a new music player but I would...
  8. C

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    I've got a new set of LCDi3 on the way...will be pairing them mostly with a Fiio M15 or my Surface Duo phone for walking and work (I prefer open-back and can't really stand shoving sealed IEMs in my ear). Most expensive pair of phones I've ever bought by double - my others being AKG K702 and...
  9. C

    FiiO M15 Audio Player | Dual AK4499EQ | 7490 mAh Battery | 64 GB ROM | $1299.99

    I currently use an AKG 240 (older Austrian made one). I went to a high-end shop and demoed a lot of really expensive headphones, including flagships from Meze, Audeze, and others. I like clean and uncolored, and found myself not liking any of those. The only pair of headphones I liked when...
  10. C

    FiiO M15 Audio Player | Dual AK4499EQ | 7490 mAh Battery | 64 GB ROM | $1299.99

    I put no stock in anyone who compares the M15 to a phone in sound. Regardless of the subjectivity that's just a silly statement.
  11. C

    FiiO M15 Audio Player | Dual AK4499EQ | 7490 mAh Battery | 64 GB ROM | $1299.99

    Excuse my ignorance here...I'm looking for a cable to hook up my M15 to my AVR. Of course I can use a simple 3.5mm to RCA but I see 4.4mm "balanced" adapters to RCA, with warnings about keeping the negative poles separated. Would an AVR with standard RCA connectors have those separate and/or...
  12. C

    FiiO M15 Audio Player | Dual AK4499EQ | 7490 mAh Battery | 64 GB ROM | $1299.99

    Got my M15 last week and I've been really enjoying it since (with my AKG K240 and K702 headphones). Grabbed the correct case on Amazon and love the design and better feel of the buttons in the case. Only negative so far, which isn't really FiiO's fault, is that the M15 doesn't work with my...
  13. C

    FiiO M15 Audio Player | Dual AK4499EQ | 7490 mAh Battery | 64 GB ROM | $1299.99

    Hi! I just made my purchase of a Fiio M15. I was an early adopter of mp3 players back in late 1999 or early 2000. I can still remember my precious 16mb CF card player of some type. I've always wanted a high-end one for more modern uses and it just so happens I really need a good headphone amp...