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  1. sprucester

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    Just got my shipping notice for #497. Thanks, Justin.
  2. sprucester

    ALO Cryo Corrosion

    Thanks for the info. I suppose it's not the end of the world but I'll drop Ken a line anyway to see what he says. I'm just surprised I hadn't read about this issue before.
  3. sprucester

    ALO Cryo Corrosion

    Hey all, I purchased a “Cryo X Silver” iPod dock cable from ALO just under a year ago and am having a corrosion problem with both of the copper wires. The metal under the protective plastic is turning green! It seems to be happening quite quickly too; I use them almost daily and have only...
  4. sprucester

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    I received my payment request today (#497 on the April 21st list). It will be oh so nice to listen to audio from my computer again. Shipment will be a while yet though, I'm sure. I was about to post a FS ad for my trusty Tomahawk in anticipation of my Pico upgrade but apparently I don't have...
  5. sprucester

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    Alright, here it goes: Please sign me up for one AMP+DAC, all black, with a 1' cable. Thanks!
  6. sprucester

    New RSA Website

    It looks like Ray has redone his website to look a little more professional: Looks good to me. I can't remember exactly what was on the old one but it seems like this one has considerably more photos (and written details?). Its better organized, at very least...
  7. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    If I'm not mistaken, the spec changes where announced in the PDF Westone published on their old website a couple months ago now. My preorder is still in from April; I'll be patient.
  8. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    It looks like that new Westone website that p0wderh0und23 was talking about a couple months ago has finally popped up: No news on the 3, however.
  9. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Quote: Originally Posted by Dexter Morgan I have to agree that it's hard to imagine the final product sounding worse than the prototype, especially considering the prototype had an issue that has now been fixed. Maybe there's something I haven't considered, but I just don't understand...
  10. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Actually, the ES3's description as posted on the Westone website say it has "three balanced armature drivers with a passive three-way crossover". Other than that, however, the specs appear quite different than those of the Westone 3.
  11. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    There is no real proof (that I'm aware of) that there has been any modification to the design, however, the specs in the official pre-announcement on Westone's website are different than those p0wderh0und23 originally gave us back in January: Quote: Originally Posted by p0wderh0und23...
  12. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Not yet, and still no official date from Westone either. Optimists are estimating the end of this month at the earliest. We haven't had many updated from Westone lately have we? While I'm not really all that upset that they haven't shipped yet, I am dissapointed that after building 53 pages...
  13. sprucester

    Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !

    Look what just popped up on an official announcement with specs. Still no date, however, and not much info over what we already knew. Someone was asking for some material to drool over, so there you go!