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  1. gjavitt90

    do i need to connect anything to AC earth ground in a non-metal chassis?

    i thought in a soha you can ground the case but you shouldn't ground the amp, because it uses starground techniques, which are better or something. does anyone know anything about that?
  2. gjavitt90

    To kill a buzz

    Quote: Originally Posted by Tomo ... ... What do you have wrapped around the caps? shielding material perhaps?
  3. gjavitt90

    soha 40v stuch at ~20v

    sorry to waste your time, the problem was a bad solder on the r7.
  4. gjavitt90

    soha 40v stuch at ~20v

    okay guys, I got a problem. The higher +40v point is reading ~20v. turning either trimpot has no effect on it. I've also noticed that if I touch the tube, the voltage drops to roughly zero, which I guess means that I'm grounding something? Does anyone have any idea what is going on, is...
  5. gjavitt90

    Did I buy a mono female 1/4 connector?

    also you bought the screw on version which isn't meant for soldering but would probably work anyway
  6. gjavitt90

    Buying a No Name MP3 Player

    if you act now you can get a sansa 2gb player for only $50 on which is a really good deal.
  7. gjavitt90

    usb sound card under $50

    hey, I'm looking for a usb sound card for my dell laptop (inspiron 2650) which has horrible sound (crackling, hissing). under $50 would be ideal. I found this which seems to have good reviews on newegg. has anyone used that or tried another...
  8. gjavitt90

    can an amp clean up the source?

    okay, I'm not sure why someone revived this thread but whatever. the source as i said is my dell laptop, not some pcmcia card or usb, integrated. but i plan on buying this usb sound card it got pretty good reviews there, and it's pretty...
  9. gjavitt90

    can an amp clean up the source?

    @tomb: but i guess what you're talking about is adding more sound to the source. I wanted to know if there are opamps out there that know what would sound bad, based on pitch or frequency or something, and be able to not include it in the output. judging on what everyone's said here, it seems...
  10. gjavitt90

    can an amp clean up the source?

    for the first cmoy i used tangent's website to the dot. for the others i found a local electronics store for the caps and resistors and stuff, the board from the shack, and for opamps i've tried a lot. I got the opa2132/opa2134 and the opa2277, and the ad8397, i also tried the cheap ones like...
  11. gjavitt90

    Cmoy project....

    you could bend the pins then solder and heatshrink, and then bend them back . that's what i did and it worked pretty well on my pot.
  12. gjavitt90

    can an amp clean up the source?

    for portable a creative zen pmc, for desktop a dell inspiron 2650
  13. gjavitt90

    can an amp clean up the source?

    hey, I've built about 3 cmoys at this point, and the sound i have to admit is not that astounding. I think the problem is that the sources I'm using aren't that good, and the cmoy can't make a source sound better that it already does. What I want to know if the amps i see here talked about...
  14. gjavitt90

    Decent newbie soldering video

    tangent also offers videos for newbies. You can find it on his website. he starts out really simple, and i think he stops at smd things.
  15. gjavitt90

    building CMOY need help wiring SPDT switch.

    plus if he does it the other way (bat + to side lug, board + to middle lug) he can easily add wall power by putting the wall+ to the other side lug. that's how i did it.
  16. gjavitt90

    MSOP CMoy Troubleshooting

    or you could order free samples from . they have the opa2132/4 which are pretty good.
  17. gjavitt90

    cmoy newbie questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by mminutel If you order the OPA2227, be careful that you don't accidentally choose the OPA2277: I made this mistake. I thought that the OPA2277 is a pretty decent op amp anyway. How does it sound?
  18. gjavitt90

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    when i put the tle in my cmoy i did it like tangent: in=v+ out=ground comm=v- worked for me. your way sound like it'll totally mess up the rail splitter. but maybe you have your circuit wired differently...
  19. gjavitt90

    making pcb's

    thanks for your quick replies. that really cleared it up.
  20. gjavitt90

    making pcb's

    hey, I've been reading around this forum about how a lot of people decide to make their own pcb's. But in actuality they just send off the design to some company to make the pcb's for them. My question is: Why don't they make the boards themselves with PC board and a laser printer and some...