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  1. mr-awesome

    anyone recognize these headphones

    does anyone recognize the big white headphones that are shown throughout the music video. listen - talib kweli the headphones in question are the ones shown around the 2 min mark thanks
  2. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    if you order alot i would like to buy about 3 of them no manufacturer does small orders for cheap, i only need a few to make for my friends and 1 for myself.
  3. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    im gonna spend some time on google looking for something, if i find something that does small orders ill post. check the bottom of this page, they have a big list of pcb manufacturers here this one looks like it would work for what i want, josh can i get your...
  4. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    nice, looks neater than mine. im looking to order like 3-4 boards, any suggestions on what company could do an order for like 30$.
  5. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    here is my design from the files you provided, i moved some stuff a lil bit, to make the lines a little neater. i tried putting attachments on , but i cant ill make a megaupload file for them in a min. here is a link to the file here just type in the code, and hit enter, it will download...
  6. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    well that would just make things easy now wouldnt it. what company out there wants things to be easy for customers. are you still doing auto route, i see the traces are small, if you upload the schematic and board files, i can work on the traces during school, as a bigger width. also when...
  7. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    they work fine for me.
  8. mr-awesome

    CMoy Setbacks

    oh ok yeah those are kinda important, i borrowed one from my school and they havnt asked for it back. your definatly gonna need one for any electronic project.
  9. mr-awesome

    CMoy Setbacks

    helping hands is something i wish i had when i did this project, your gonna want to have the project off the table, and in a good workable position radioshack had some helping hand/3rd hand with a magnifying glass on it. i mentioned a good pair of tweezers, i dont know about a lead bending jig...
  10. mr-awesome

    CMoy Setbacks

    okay so you are at the same spot i was at when i started, but i am the the person that takes stuff apart to see what makes it work. i might not know what everything does, but i like to see whats going on. okay, so you gonne need a soldering iron. i went to sears and got a weller 25watt soldering...
  11. mr-awesome

    CMoy Setbacks

    you can get almost everything you need from radioshack, except the opamp, and a good pot. i recommend using digikey for the opamp, but make the order go over 25$ or you will be paying 5$ extra for a small order fee. as for radioshack get the board, the resistors, battery clips, the led, the...
  12. mr-awesome

    Help with EAGLE CMoy design, please =)

    any luck on the new schemtaic, if you post what you have, like what you did before, i can work on it in my drafting class, ive got a month left of school, and im already done in the class. the teacher would also help me in the placement etc. i dont know much about the types of caps, so i dont...
  13. mr-awesome

    CMOY Parts List / Recommendations

    yeah for bridging issues at least for me i would heat up my exacto knife with my stove flame so it was almost orange and just ran it along where the copper was not. because it was hot it would just push the solder out. also try moving the wires along, you might have a problem with the wires on...
  14. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    well my cmoy was a big hit, ive got orders for like 5-6 of them, i think im gonna sell them for like 30 dollars each, hopefully i can get a good parts list for like 20 dollars.
  15. mr-awesome

    Larger size LED, what resistor? (originally was: Help with 100k ohm pot?)

    theres something on this site about 100k pots i remember looking at it myself when i started my cmoy, you have to change the resistors quite a bit, search for it, it might be on the headwize forum you should try looking there too. or you could buy 2 single channel pots and have one for the...
  16. mr-awesome

    CMOY Parts List / Recommendations

    describe the problems in depth and post pics someone here probably has some good tips for you
  17. mr-awesome

    CMOY Parts List / Recommendations

    take some nighttime cold medicine like nyquil or Tylenol pm, it will make you a lil sleepy which is good, becuase your body will move slower (less shaky). thats how i got my delicate cmoy soldering done. its probably not something you should do alot, but it works if your hands shake alot.
  18. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    well i tinkered alot last night after i posted, and after making some wires smaller, making some wires longer, i got the pot to fit inside, and to protrude the outer side, so it looks normal and it closes. . . somewhat.ive got electrical tape holding it shut for now, until the wires form a...
  19. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    sijosae makes some crazy amps, do any of the amps you mentioned have diy instructions. the track meet went well we came in first with glenville 30 points behind (thats the school where ted ginn jr, troy smith, the whole ohio state football team sortof, etc come from) we are kind of one of the...
  20. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    disregard the last statement, its the pint thats surface mount i need a new pair of earbuds, i like the inner ear ones, mainly because i dont like to listen to other people and they do a good job of blocking out noise, any recommendations.
  21. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    i heard the pimeta is surface mount i dont think im up to that, unless i get that really tiny solder .016 so i have more control of where stuff goes. ill look into the pimeta, whats the normal cost for board/resistors/caps/components, for the pimeta.
  22. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    sounds good enough to get me an A in my class so im happy about that, but truly im not satisfied. im definatly gonna do another one, but on a pcb made for cmoys. i have problems making sure the solder doesnt run on other pads when they are that close. ive just cased it, but im having trouble...
  23. mr-awesome

    so far how does it look

    ok heres the pics