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  1. W

    New Beyerdynamic T5p 2nd generation

    I was able to tear this thing down today! To give you a hint, never buy this again! Look at its material, they simply use marker tape cheaper than any of my own I used during my toilet painting last week! And double sided adhisive runs over the hinge between the metal and foam. Cheap made sponge...
  2. W

    New Beyerdynamic T5p 2nd generation

    Does anyone know how to teardown (not destroying but safely) the headband? Mine is worn out and need to replace the skin layer by a DIY leather strip. Like below
  3. W

    New Beyerdynamic T1 (2nd Generation)

    Does anyone know how to teardown (not destroying but safely) the headband Like below?
  4. W

    New Beyerdynamic T1 (2nd Generation)

    I would suggest not to dispose the original pads and buying new. As they are shaped according to human's ear/cheek so it is not just simply round. My solution is when the skin worn out just wrap with another type of material, or leather by DIY tools, to keep the pads' shape.
  5. W

    AirPods Max

    Na the girl does not look bulbous.
  6. W

    I got my t5p v2 as used. Haven’t tried v3 but will compare.

    My setup is Linnenberg vivace I & unisono power supply. The amp is Lehmann linear pro.