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  1. DivxRipPimp

    Portable, Lightweight, Closed Headphones... Cant decide between a few!

    I cant decide between the two i listed... It seems to be 50/50 everywhere... and generaly on sites that do consumer and "expert" reviews, the experts give the akg's a 8.5-9/10 and consumers give it a 7.5/10, with the senn's the experts 6.5/10 and consumers 8.5/10... I hate when things arnt...
  2. DivxRipPimp

    Portable, Lightweight, Closed Headphones... Cant decide between a few!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 4saken They're newer than your two models. Tried a search? There was a thread on first impressions a while ago. I read that, nothing further was really said... Its odd that they are not spoken of that much, especially for the price...
  3. DivxRipPimp

    Portable, Lightweight, Closed Headphones... Cant decide between a few!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 4saken Some Denon pair, I forgot the exact model but I'm sure it will sound better than both your listed models. Not sure about the weight either, but being a small, foldable pair I would not consider it to be too heavy. I think it is the Denon P372 (no idea...
  4. DivxRipPimp

    Portable, Lightweight, Closed Headphones... Cant decide between a few!

    Havent been on this forum in a while, been plenty happy with the headphones i have... Now i need a really LIGHTWEIGHT small formfactor pair... I want to use them while biking (bmx) and doing freerunning, I wear my heavyier pair now, but it gets old after a while, i got into this miniphone phase...
  5. DivxRipPimp

    ipod battery life using line out

    Get this bad mofo of a rechargeable 9 volt... But it NEEDS a specific charger
  6. DivxRipPimp

    Defected to Appleland!

    Yea spotlazer kicks ass, i removed the spotlight in the menubar and made spotlazers launch shortcut apple+space... Works WAY better... why is everyone on here obsessed with searching on thier mac tho? my **** is so organized i just add folders to the side of the finder window and im fine... i...
  7. DivxRipPimp

    Defected to Appleland!

    Want to send me the Installer for it Pretty Please (i just signed up for the beta, but dont wanna wait!!!)
  8. DivxRipPimp

    has anyone custom constructed their own phones from the ground up? fixed link
  9. DivxRipPimp


    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy Wow thats good! On vodafone (the cellphone thingy I'm on) the same price YOU pay to get 4gb, gets us NZ'ers 15mb. RIPOFF!!! Code: <brag>i can use my unlimited data to use my black berry as a modem and get 40k per second on the road via...
  10. DivxRipPimp

    Defected to Appleland!

    In system preferences, there is a mouse option to make 2 fingers on the track pad right click! i love it... (and 2 fingers dragging on the trackpad for scrolling and 2 finger + ctrl zooming) OHOHOHOHOH SCREEN SHOT!
  11. DivxRipPimp

    has anyone custom constructed their own phones from the ground up?

    I made isolated hd595's... thats about it, lol...
  12. DivxRipPimp


    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy How are the mobile internet charges over there? I would never dream of using my cellphone for internet here... its 1c (0.0741420 USD) per kilobyte!!!! 20 bucks a month for unlimited with tmobile with blackberry email... (there is some sorta...
  13. DivxRipPimp

    ipod battery life using line out

    Quote: 10 it's gonna require charging every day/few days.....hopefully not much a hassle.. Just get a usb wall plug and an extra ipod cable and a dock... set it up where you drop your keys, and just plug in your ipod there every night... I have a specific CHARGING...
  14. DivxRipPimp

    CMOY line out pass thru idea?

    would it be bad to use a headphone splitter? Get one that is two males to a female...? this thing seems bad ass..
  15. DivxRipPimp

    CMOY line out pass thru idea?

    Like an a/b switch for a 3.5mm jack... there has to be something like that...
  16. DivxRipPimp

    ipod battery life using line out

    (4th gen 40 gig ipod, 32 gig of music, ALL 256 AAC) Well if turning the volume down all the way turns off the mild amp for the headphone jack then it should save battery, one would think... or one may sound like an ass... lol... i use rockbox, with line out and headphone jack on mute and i...
  17. DivxRipPimp

    Small Gauge Wire Stripper Just so CHALL' KNOWIN'!! 7.50 for 30-20 just informing everyone!
  18. DivxRipPimp

    what ipod to get?

    Yea... Just use a dock connector that has a jack on it... people on here sell them, but i just did this works perfect, took like 15 min, cost like 6 bucks... On all ipods the dock connector acts as the line out...
  19. DivxRipPimp

    ER-4P too fragile for commuting?

    It help with getting used to them, to wet your fingertips and rub the water on the tri flanges, then open your mouth really wide in an O shape... While pulling the bottom lobe of your ear down and inserting them...
  20. DivxRipPimp

    The Popularity of iPods in Africa

    Or like shes trying to eat a microwave pizza whole?
  21. DivxRipPimp

    ER-4P too fragile for commuting?

    Yea i used to bike ALOT with mine, and through all falls and such they were fine... but god did it hurt to get them stuck on my bars or something during a fall and have them torn outta my ear at weird angles... just wire them in your shirt and you should be fine...
  22. DivxRipPimp

    The Popularity of iPods in Africa

    IT is a she She did the photo for money, that is the tourists ipod She would have def killed them if it weren't for the photo for money market There was a whole article on this tribe a few days ago on digg... i cannot find the damn link anywhere, sorry...
  23. DivxRipPimp

    anyone recognize these headphones?

    I make dis for you, cause i suck and never sleep...
  24. DivxRipPimp

    what ipod to get?

    i like to switch to the ipod side and use itunes to add music... then switch rockbox and tell it to update... then i have two sep ipod firmwares working... incase i wanna go use the ipod firmware...