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  1. piakoB

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    I'm moving on. This site has been a good resource over the years for new buyers and people wanting to discuss technicalities. Seems a lot of the 2000s "internet heyday" is over with and now we have a lot of hi-fi scams going on with person-to-person sales (I was recently scammed on a sale). Have...
  2. piakoB

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    Interesting world music album. Gave it a listen couple days ago on my living room system. Now in the office for a more detailed listen. Eversolo A6 XLR Output > SMSL HO200 > DCA Aeon RT CB (balanced)
  3. piakoB

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC

    Took your advice and cancelled Roon. In fact I sort of reorganized all my digital subscriptions. The internal player on the A6 does most of what I need. Roon was redundant. Just wish the Qobuz A6 app had drill down capabilities where you can click on an artist name on a playing track and get...
  4. piakoB

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    Took a break for a while from music. Over the holidays I went through the Pat Metheny, Coltrane and Thelonious Monk catalogs on my iPhone connected to a pair of Thie Audio Legacy 4s. Starting to like IEMs for playback. Moved back yesterday to albums through my A6 and living room stereo system...
  5. piakoB

    Advice needed - Wireless headphones within 700 USD.

    Have heard good things about the Bathys. Not sure how they would be for movies.
  6. piakoB

    What upgrade cable for Hifiman edition xs.

    This is what I use as well with my Dan Clark's.
  7. piakoB

    Cayin RU7: 1-Bit Resistor Network Dongle DAC /Amp

    Will this work with my iphone 12 running Roon connected to a lightning to USB-C adapter? Just curious if it's even compatible with iOS. Any specific playback software needed on my iphone? I'm currently using my DCA Aeon 2 CB via a Apple Lightning to 3.5 mm cable. If I get the RU7 will the volume...
  8. piakoB

    What upgrade cable for Hifiman edition xs.
  9. piakoB

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC

    Well personally I experimented with the A6 with and without roon. It was too difficult to use the Qobuz internal app on the iphone cast screen where I just gave up and went back to Roon. Plus there's Roon ARC which means I can access my NAS outside of the house through Roon. Some people only...
  10. piakoB

    Dan Clark Audio Aeon RT Closed thread

    Purchased these back in late July. Zero pad rolling issues so far.
  11. piakoB

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC
  12. piakoB

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC

    The playback screen is customizable and it will show the album art and track details if that's the option you chose in settings. The play/pause next/back buttons are always displayed on the right side of the screen. Roon configuration will take a controller app which the A6 cannot access, it's...
  13. piakoB

    DAC/AMP or Dongle DAC Suggestions for Sundara($200 or less)

    I would pass on the DX3 Pro+ I had one and immediately returned it because it sounded so bad.
  14. piakoB

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC

    So there is Tidal connect and then the built-in Tidal app in the Streaming area. Try A/B testing.
  15. piakoB

    Dud or am I a duffus? HD650's catastrophic failure to impress...

    Personally I owned the 660S and found it rather bland. Midrange was good and detail was moderate. Their tuning is what people either like or dislike. Personally I would recommend the Sundara over the 6-series. Plus the 660S was rather uncomfortable with the fact that the cup connectors extend...
  16. piakoB

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC

    On my phone app in the streaming area if you scroll to the bottom and select DLNA it will open a guide to explain how to get it to work.
  17. piakoB

    Looking for a USB DAC for MacBook Pro 14"

    I've owned the Qutest and a Schiit multi-bit DAC. Different flavors. The Schiit units I've heard are more V shaped and the Chord I had was really lively and engaging while being more of a non-V response. I was using my Qutest in my TV setup for a while and it was fine for fast paced movie scenes...
  18. piakoB

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Well the entire work is really top notch in terms of the performance and recording. I was listening in the afternoon yesterday on my loudspeakers with the entire Bach set on shuffle and it's really amazing the immersion and breadth of the sound. Over all the volumes there are choral works with...
  19. piakoB

    Continue with my dacmagic plus? New dedicated headphone amp? New dac amp? (Newbie)

    The Dac Magic kind of has a weak headphone amp so if you ended up moving to higher resistance headphones you would likely enjoy more a dedicated amp. Not sure what's available in Spain. Best of listening.
  20. piakoB

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Recorded in the late 1980s, this 9 volume set of Bach's complete organ works is really a nice listen. Hans is one of my favorite performers. Great way to start the morning. Sounds great on my DCAs.
  21. piakoB

    Need help with amp/dac for Ananda v3 Stealth

    Would go with the HiFiMan dac/amp. I have tried the ananda paired with the m500 mk2 and the amp didn't have enough power.
  22. piakoB

    Need advice for setting up a simple (cheap) 2-speaker system for garage with phone as source. Help me out of this rabbit hole.

    Seems like the T9 would solve all your problems and free up space. You are going analog out out of your phone?
  23. piakoB

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Michel Legrand and Pedro Paulo Castro Neves [album title] Fun french album for Sunday morning. Not the best recording, but good music.
  24. piakoB

    Which one should i get?

    Imo if he's listening to rock and metal the ananda will be too bright / harsh on the top end. Sennheiser much better suited to these genres. EQ is one way out of it if the ananda was the choice. I've owned both the ananda and HD660S. The sennheiser's were more laid back and mellow with a golden...
  25. piakoB

    Fragmentation(?) problems with audio files?

    We used to optimize drives based on file fragmentation and making things linear in the storage device but I'm not sure that practice is still done anymore on consumer-level devices. It sounds like some kind of bit decay. SSDs will fail sooner than a platter-based hard disk based on the maximum...