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  1. dr_gunjankr

    IEM suggestions

    why don't u try xtrememac FS1 .. presently retailing for around 45 dollars on amazon.. the bass is the best and over all very comfortable and decent sounding iem
  2. dr_gunjankr

    help!! which one to go for- shure e2, al im616, ety er6i, ath ck7 or ue 3?

    looka like its now a toss up between 3 and im616... am planning to go either for the former or the im616 with custom made um56 style tips from mumbai for 12 dollars.. as stated earlier by my friend.. mymindinside
  3. dr_gunjankr

    help!! which one to go for- shure e2, al im616, ety er6i, ath ck7 or ue 3?

    well.. i would love to.. but would have to sell everythin i own for that..
  4. dr_gunjankr

    help!! which one to go for- shure e2, al im616, ety er6i, ath ck7 or ue 3?

    wow!!thanks...that was very informative... by any chance have u ever listened to the altec lansing im616 or the audio technica? btw whats fs mode? sorry i'm a newbie..
  5. dr_gunjankr

    e2c, superfi 3, vibe, er6 or er6i

    well.. i doesn't appear to be fake.. u missed the fine print i believe.. its an USED one.. plus ten dollars for shipping...
  6. dr_gunjankr

    help!! which one to go for- shure e2, al im616, ety er6i, ath ck7 or ue 3?

    oh wow!! thanx a ton for replyin.. .. just completed my mbbs from ltmmc, mum..presently am in bangalore.. wil be comin down soon to mum shortly... can u give me the address btw of the dealer? btw is selling them for 59 dollars
  7. dr_gunjankr

    help!! which one to go for- shure e2, al im616, ety er6i, ath ck7 or ue 3?

    this may sound like another desperate attempt by a newbie to solve the eternally vexing question of the best iem under 80$.. but problem is i live in india and have asked my friend to get an iem from the USA, and i want an iem based on the following criteria(in order of preference) 1. under 80...