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  1. Wolverine1

    Audiophile Car Audio?

    Alpine makes IMO the best source units that you can buy. Can you buy better other components, yes but source wise go with the alpine units.
  2. Wolverine1

    Shure E2? and First thoughts..

    My understanding is that they are in the stores from other posts. I thought I'd answer this as I wouldn't want you to have to walk a few blocks and find out first hand.
  3. Wolverine1

    Koss do you wear them?

    When putting on headphones is beyond your capabilities it is time to drink the Kool-Aid. Just my opininion.
  4. Wolverine1

    Headphones for running?

    If you like how the street style feels you may want to try the Koss KSC-55. They'll stay on your head and give you good sound.
  5. Wolverine1

    cheap sealed headphones?

    The Koss cans you list are not closed (sealed). But under $50 the Sennheiser PX200 (closed) and over the head would seem to fit your needs.
  6. Wolverine1

    Nobody ever mentions the Treo?

    I for one am currently looking at buying an mp3 player in the next month and am currently doing research. An FM tuner is a prerequisite whether it be a flash or HD based. So to answer your question I am who CARES! Get it, got it good.
  7. Wolverine1

    B.B. King recommednations?

    I really like Deuces, its a collaboration with other artists with BB King. Also riding with the king wasn't terrible but not the best. He also made a Christmas album for a different take on the holidays. BB King is going to be at my college in May. Unfortunately I can't afford the tickets...
  8. Wolverine1

    KSC-35 Limited supply

    Thanks for the heads up soupy! I just ordered a set along with the 55's (can't find them anywhere around here) to try out. I also got the 72 hour shipping message so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  9. Wolverine1

    Static Crackling in phones

    Discharging to your computer case may not be the best ground point. IMO
  10. Wolverine1

    KSC35 alive?

    If you get some I'd like to be added to the list for a set.