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    Dali Headphones

    I gave up on this headphone. No customer support. Lack of updates. Flimsy at best.
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    AirPods Max

    Just because he's a Youtuber creating videos mostly about Apple products, doesn't make him disingenuous in his reviews. He is smart, which is why he's making a sideline this way. What is your basis of declaring whether people are audiophiles or not? Are you the final judge in this category...
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    AirPods Max

    I’m adding the Airpods Max to the mix. And like my Dali iO-6 that can be used wired with an amp, Is anyone with an Airpods Max that’s using it wired and how is it connecting via... I want to know if this should hook up straight to a DAC output (volume controlled by the headphone) or via a...
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    Dali Headphones

    The power switch problem is hardware. Not software. I wrote to Dali and received no response. I have no local dealer. Got mine from Amazon.
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    Dali Headphones

    These headphones need an app to customize the sound and features. For example I would like to set: - power time out - connection priority (if I have Bluetooth connected to another device, but I directly connect a USB-C cable to the heaphones then I want the headphones to disconnect from the...
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    Dali Headphones

    This is awesome. Thank you for sharing this. @Brintkiks can you also set the record straight regarding: 1. How does the Dali IO-6 behave with power OFF but driven by an external amp? What kind of signal path loss are we expecting to have versus the same but with power ON? 2. Any future...
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    Are we going to talk about these new Beyer/Massdrop 177x?

    I'm still pretty happy with it. I agree it does sound a bit too warm. If I can combine this and the K371's detail. That would be perfect for my taste.
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    AKG K361/K371

    I missed the sensitivity part. I was hoping with the purported efficient Tesla 2.0 45mm drivers versus a 50mm driver, it would be more sensitive.
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    AKG K361/K371

    What you said makes sense. I now realise that of course the K371 being a Harman company would closely match their target which is what they tune their headphones towards. And Beyer having it's own sound signature follows their own reference tuning. So at this point it's what the end user prefers...
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    AKG K361/K371

    Interesting indeed. Perhaps I mistake the lack of detail for the DT to being neutral versus when switching over to the K371 I found there is over emphasis. In any case, the graphs don't lie on his measurements and it certainly shows the K371 to be able to reproduce the target more faithfully...
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    AKG K361/K371

    I agree with what has been said with the K371. I got these exactly the same time as the DT177x GO which wouldn't be a direct comparison but at least I got a sense of price over value. I personally describe the K371 as an M50x killer and am not surprised if this was what it was positioned to do...
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    Are we going to talk about these new Beyer/Massdrop 177x?

    Hi bcaulf17, My thoughts: - vs DT1770 Tough call at a $450 price point for both. If I had to choose hard I would think back to what is essential for my needs and realise I'm there for the re-tuned sound signature (including the Sheepskin pads as part of the retune) and refitted 4-pin...
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    Are we going to talk about these new Beyer/Massdrop 177x?

    I agree with pricing, but also realise that these Beyers are still made in Germany and that's what's keeping the price at a premium. I'm pretty sure they can knock it down to half price if these were made in China like majority of audio equipment but chose another route - good or bad. I...