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  1. sainttoad

    deodorizing dt770 pads

    I left the pads out with the intent to hand wash them, but the wife got ahold of them before I could do the deed, and she ran them through the clothes washer.  she air dried them, and they're as good as new!  That was easy :)
  2. sainttoad

    deodorizing dt770 pads

    I lent my beloved dt770s out for a month, and when they came back, they had a funk upon the pads.  Three months later, the funk remains.   Weird shampoo, ear sweat, I don't know what it is.  I know it isn't cigarette smoke, if that makes any difference.  How can I safely remove the odor?
  3. sainttoad

    Warning About The Singlepower Extreme - Owners Please Read

    You forgot to highlight the best part: "It also has over a year left on the warranty transferable to you" Good luck with that!
  4. sainttoad

    Warning About The Singlepower Extreme - Owners Please Read

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab Actually, I was not referring to your ad in any way. I think you've been pretty clear. But if you look, there are ads running right now that are FAR vaguer than yours, where there has been no inspection of the amp AT ALL. Yeah, at first I...
  5. sainttoad

    Warning About The Singlepower Extreme - Owners Please Read

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab We should also sticky this in the "Headphone Amps For Sale" forum. I am still shocked how I see people trying to sell Extremes in their stock form, for basically full price, and saying "I have never had any problem with mine, so it must be fine" - I...
  6. sainttoad

    Need Amp+Dac

    Quote: Originally Posted by kunalraiker There is no rest for your Quest mate Seconded. Not even if you take a break for a couple of years. The quest will be back!
  7. sainttoad

    LOVE my new Headroom Micro DAC

    I couldn't get through the work day without my headroom microstack. That and some nice noise reducing 840s keep me happy in the cubicle. Congrats on your fine choice!
  8. sainttoad

    Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

    I miss my uncle charles.
  9. sainttoad

    Cans to suit Lavry DA11

    I love my denon d2000s on my lavry da10. I also happen to love the k701s on the lavry, so take that for what you will. the d2000s really flesh out the bass that is missing from the da10/k701 combo. whether they add bass or simply reveal it is hard to say. for rock and electronic i reach for...
  10. sainttoad

    The key to better audio is a hair cut.

    I sport a mohawk and find it ideal for headphone listening. No hair to get in the way by the cups, and a nice cushion on the top to prevent the band from rubbing. Best of all, the blades in my clippers are cryo-treated, so they sound totally *amazing*.
  11. sainttoad

    coffee gadgets...

    Quote: Originally Posted by beerguy0 Nice. I'm gradually building my coffee gadget collection - I've got the wife persuaded to let me buy a roaster, so as soon as they are back in stock at Sweet Maria's, I'm getting one of these: I upgraded to that from a SC/TO setup. Much...
  12. sainttoad

    Which headphone surprised you the most.

    Shure 840s. The first surprise came when I found them in an airport for a reasonable price. The second surprise came after they broke in: for the price they are outstanding cans.
  13. sainttoad

    Do I need a DAC for my setup?

    the k701s get better and better as you improve your DAC. all the best qualities of the k701 (airyness, separation, soundstage) are improved by a DAC upgrade, in my experience.
  14. sainttoad

    Using headphone out on macbook

    Even older macbooks have optical out through the headphone jack. My low-end macbook from 3 years ago does. I listen to music with Grado sr225s straight out of the macbook headphone out. Not "critical" listening, just some nice background music, and it's perfectly enjoyable.
  15. sainttoad

    What type of music do Audiophiles on Head FI listen to???

    pink floyd, infected mushroom, beethoven
  16. sainttoad

    Need help choosing an amp/DAC

    I get a lot of joy out of my lavry da10 + akg k701. I got the lavry for about $1000 (have to call shops and make them an offer), and the 701s for around $250 (I think) which is more or less within your range. i particularly like the sounds of drums on this set up, which is probably...
  17. sainttoad

    Shpongle is shpecial.

    Also worth listening to, if you enjoy being Shpongled: Ozric Tentacles - Strangeitude. Different genre, different sound, similar (imho) spirit.
  18. sainttoad

    Looking for Excessive Bass

    mc 900 foot jesus: the city sleeps. instant headache, you'll love it!
  19. sainttoad


    I've heard lots of folks say the k701s like tubes, but to my ears, my k701s sound better out of the headphone amp on my lavry da10 than out of any of the several tube amps i've tried with them. be sure you've got a good DAC to unleash the k701's huge soundstage.
  20. sainttoad

    Lavry DA10 users, headphone output

    Have you tried asking over on the Lavry forums?
  21. sainttoad

    Headphone Choice Help [Denon AH-D2000]

    i've recently picked up both srh840 and d2000, and while the denons are a little "boomy" compared to the shure, they're also (to my ears) much more detailed, extended in the highs and lows, and clear. while i enjoy the shures, they seem to have a more laid-back, veiled sound than the denons...
  22. sainttoad

    Amp to match D2000/Micro DAC

    i've had the micro amp and micro dac for about 2 years, and the d2000 for about 3 days. they sound wonderful together, and you really won't find a better *looking* match for your micro dac than the micro amp.
  23. sainttoad

    SRH840 impression

    john53: i can't answer your question about the 440s, but i can say i had ear hurting issues with the 840s, and they cleared up after about 80 hours of listening time (4-5 hours at a time). there may be hope for you.
  24. sainttoad

    Will the Denon AH-D2000 bend my ears?

    they have small wallets? the d2000s are on their way, i'll post my comfort review here for the benefit of my big-eared brethren
  25. sainttoad

    SRH840 impression

    my 840s hurt one of my ears ( but after a week of listening to them at work, I no longer have this problem. Did my ear get used to it? Did the cup soften up? I have no idea. But if 840s are hard on your ears, they might get better after a...