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    2017 Audio Technica new flagship ATH-ADX5000

    I added finally a Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier, and the results are simply wonderful. The Tektron Audio Tk One Head with Mullard ecc82.
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    New Cowon Plenue L

    Now i'm using iFi Micro iDSD Black Label as Dac. Is a good choice to upgrade to Plenue L? I have Audio Technica ADX 5000, the Plenue L has the power to manage 420ohm of headphone? Thanks
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    New Cowon Plenue L

    Good Morning. I have a question: Is possible to use Plenue L as a normal Dac to play Tidal/Qobuz connected with Usb on PC? Thanks guys.
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    2017 Audio Technica new flagship ATH-ADX5000

    Guys, i have the combo IFI Micro Black Label and Adx 5000, how can i improve my gear with a new headphone amplifier? I will get a dramatic improve of quality of sound from Adx 5000? If Yes, which is a good choice around 1000€. Thanks