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  • Users: PRtsa
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  1. PRtsa

    Corda Arietta Review

    Would I get some money for that
  2. PRtsa

    Corda Arietta Review

    I definitely would wan't to try dt880 with this amp, but my wallet is empty so...
  3. PRtsa

    Corda Arietta Review

    Hello AJ! Thank's for the review! It's nice to read someone else's thoughts of the amp (which i own also). There's so little about this particular amp here in head-fi. Despite the fact that the Headfive is much like, it's a different amp (for example there's two more input caps in the...
  4. PRtsa

    Senn-595 vs AT-A900 vs Beyer

    I have dt990pro and hd595 and use mostly beyers cause they have much better bass IMO.
  5. PRtsa

    Question about Corda Aria v.s. Corda Arietta

    I think DT990+Arietta combination sounds heavenly together, BTMNO (but that's my noob opinion)
  6. PRtsa

    Amp for Beyerdynamic DT770/250

    Just buy 3.5mm to RCA*2 connection cable (costs some $). If you don't use the amp as portable, RCA is better way to go IMO.
  7. PRtsa

    Arietta - first hand experience?

    I use the crossfeed all the time, cause it affects the sound so little..maybe a little bit bass is lost. Because it ease the listening fatigue (or what it's called), it's a very good accessory to headphonelistening (IMO). It's so hard to know is the crossfeed on or off, that I have to go and see...
  8. PRtsa

    Arietta - first hand experience?

    I have Arietta and it's a very nice amp..but that's all I can say because my lack of knowledge about the other good amps. If you decide to order Arietta it might be good idea to let Jan know that you are using little ohm phones, because of this. I'm also guessing that Headfive sounds quite...
  9. PRtsa

    Corda Arietta

    I have Arietta and a pair of DT990pro phones, but don't have any experience of other "quality" amps, so maybe my opinions don't have much value. I think they are quite good (edit: I mean great) match and also would guess that head5 and Arietta have not much difference with each other.
  10. PRtsa

    Why no Arietta threads?

    Quote: Originally Posted by db597 Too loud at zero volume? That's not normal! Okay.. I'm starting to think so too, so I'll mail him (meaning Jan Meier). Thanks! EDIT: Here's what Jan answered to me: "The volume of the ARIETTA is not zero with the volume dial set to its...
  11. PRtsa

    Why no Arietta threads?

    Hi folks! I got Arietta today and i would say it's quite powerful amp. In my case, it's too powerful with my Senns (HD595, 50 Ohm). Even when the volumepot is in zero, the volumelevel is quite loud . I'm thinking my source (Lg-dvd) is too damn powerful. I have to figure out something cause...
  12. PRtsa

    Sumiko "The Head Box" MKII

    I have that amp in my inventory. IMO there's certainly enough power (turning quarter is loud enough with my dt990pro) to drive 300 Ohm cans but quality is a different case, which I can't say anything (bad source and no good amp to compare with). In my amp, the volume pot is quite poor...