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  1. rippingdragon

    Looking for short length premade (or custom) cables to be used with a portable DAC/Amp clipped to the neck of my shirt

    I've got an Ear Studio ES100 bluetooth DAC+Amp that I would like to use clipped to the neck of my shirt. I'd like to get a short set of cables to run from this amp to my ears. Ideally something like 15-16" / 40ish cm in length. I'd also like to get a 2.5mm balanced termination if possible...
  2. rippingdragon

    Radsone EarStudio ES100

    Now that I've got my ES100, I'm looking for a more appropriate length 2.5mm balanced cable. I wear the ES100 clipped to my shirt neck, so I'm looking for a cable that's 15-16" / 40ish cm. I'd like to spend around $20-30USD including shipping to Australia. Any recommendations? Does anyone...
  3. rippingdragon

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

    The HEM4 is already out of stock. Fingers crossed we see the HEM8 for $200 again!
  4. rippingdragon

    Melbourne Meet 2010

    I would prefer the next Sunday (March 14th). March 7th falls in the Labour Day long weekend and I (and probably a few others) will be taking the opportunity to get out of town.
  5. rippingdragon

    Melbourne Meet 2010

    Definitely interested. I'll bring along my woodied and MarkL modded Denon D2000s and my Pico.
  6. rippingdragon

    Suitable Replacement for Etymotic ER4P?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Young Spade PFE 112s. Look into those. Cheers! Doing some research on these now. Everyone else please keep your opinions coming!
  7. rippingdragon

    Suitable Replacement for Etymotic ER4P?

    I've had a long love/hate relationship with the Etymotic ER4P. They're still the best IEM for my preferences that I've listened to. But I can't listen to them for more than an hour at a time unamped or about 2 hours with a decent DAC/amp (Pico) setup. They just get too fatiguing. I do however...
  8. rippingdragon

    Moore's law

    Found this thread via search and thought it was worth the gravedig for historical comedy value. Hooray for no longer being crippled by low storage space (remember the good ole' days )! Although the trend to regress back to these "nano" devices is annoying. As Moore's law continues in action we...
  9. rippingdragon

    never mind cash: best phones for work

    Any of the Denon range depending on how much you want to spend. Street price listed below: D2000 ~ $200 D5000 ~ $400-450 D7000 ~ $600(being released soon)
  10. rippingdragon

    I think I've found perfection.

    Quote: Originally Posted by philodox Listening to Postal Service right now with my RS-1s and getting full body shivers. Never given Death Cab for Cutie a serious listen. Is it very similar? Worth picking up? Though not exactly the same, I find The Notwist to fit the same sorts of...
  11. rippingdragon

    I think I've found perfection.

    Quote: Originally Posted by supadupa DCFC and Postal Service are awesome. That whole album (Plans) was great. I, too agree that their latest stuff lack some of their usual "substance." Maybe I just need a couple more listens... The new track Grapevine Fires absolutely destroys me...
  12. rippingdragon

    How To Build One Of The World's Finest Dynamic Headphones (markl Denon AH-D5000 Mods)

    After the mods I've had one of the cups come loose from the frame. The screws that attach the plastic driver housing to the metal headphone assembly don't get any purchase and won't screw in. The driver is still attached to the cup ok. Any recommended fixes? Cheers!
  13. rippingdragon

    Is your Headphone setup more expensive than your Speaker?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Scrith The Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers I'm using cost a bit more than my Qualia 010 headphones. Nice choice! I'm a big fan of the Confidence range and having purchase the C2s my speaker rig is about 30 times more expensive than my headphone rig...
  14. rippingdragon

    How To Build One Of The World's Finest Dynamic Headphones (markl Denon AH-D5000 Mods)

    Quote: Originally Posted by markl Yeah, the differences in amount of damping aren't huge, and some people may want more or less depending on taste. The D2000 don't need as much damping, so I use a slightly thinner material. In any case, I wouldn't worry *too much* about it overall...
  15. rippingdragon

    How To Build One Of The World's Finest Dynamic Headphones (markl Denon AH-D5000 Mods)

    Is there much of a difference in sound quality between Dynamat and the cheaper knock-off brands? The stores in my area only stock Dynamat in bigger and much more expensive packs and I haven't been able to find a reasonably priced online store in Australia that stocks Dynamat in small...
  16. rippingdragon

    What are the best 1/8" - 3.5mm terminators

    It's to be used with a Pico and recabled D2000. Will there be much of a difference between plugs? I would think it silly to degrade the sound quality on an already excellent system by saving a few bucks on a connector.
  17. rippingdragon

    What are the best 1/8" - 3.5mm terminators

    Quote: Originally Posted by FallenAngel Define "best". Most durable? Smallest / Largest? Fanciest plating? A combination of most durable and the ones with the least impact on sound quality (i.e. sound the best). Ease of soldering and small size are nice to haves but not required.
  18. rippingdragon

    What are the best 1/8" - 3.5mm terminators

    I'm looking for a nice 1/8" - 3.5mm terminator plug for my headphones. What's the best? Where are they available from? Bonus points if they have cheap shipping to Australia and major bonus points if you can find a cheap online vendor in Australia. Cheers!
  19. rippingdragon

    Call for recabled D2000/D5000 owners

    Sorry to gravedig, Was just wondering if there were any further cabling impressions. Cheers!
  20. rippingdragon

    It's On - Melbourne 2008 - What's The Surprise?

    Quote: Originally Posted by lordvader Oh !!! Melbourne meet ! I didn't know they existed !!! Can I be a tentative yes (new Batman is out that weekend too !). If I come, I'll bring my DoZ headphone amp, and my AKG 601s. I'm redoing the PSU on the amp, so I'll bump that up the...
  21. rippingdragon

    It's On - Melbourne 2008 - What's The Surprise?

    Any Ultrasone Ed 9s or Denon D5000s being brought along? I'm very keen to hear both of those cans.
  22. rippingdragon

    It's On - Melbourne 2008 - What's The Surprise?

    Does anyone have an SPL meter they could bring? I'm really keen to measure my average listening levels with my IEMs and compare them with recommended listening levels. P.S. can this be accomplished with just an SPL meter next to a headphone/earphone in the open? Or do you need some fancy...
  23. rippingdragon

    It's On - Melbourne 2008 - What's The Surprise?

    I'll be bringing: Etymotic ER4P (will try and bring some spare clean tips for those really keen to try them) Headamp Pico Ultimate Ears UE11 Pro (not that you can try them on or anything But people may want to have a look and I can let them know how they sound out of their equipment)
  24. rippingdragon

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    It has arrived! 6 more hours until work is over... Time has already slowed to a crawl...