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  1. HeadphoneWeeb

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    My Song by Girls Dead Monster in FLAC, Angel Beats soundtrack with my HD700 paired with Audeze Deckard.
  2. HeadphoneWeeb

    dead thread

    I actually got my HD700 recently on eBay for $366. I think they still have a few at that price. I have it paired with the Audeze Deckard. Its a great combo and I think the Deckard does relieve that spike somewhat because it does not bother me as much as people say. It's an incredible headphone...
  3. HeadphoneWeeb

    Audeze Deckard Thoughts

    I have my Deckard paired with my HD700s. It's a perfect pair in my opinion and I'm absolutely in love with it! I got mine from Razordog Audio for $450, and yes it is discontinued. I'm guessing Audeze is working on a new solid state DAC/AMP.
  4. HeadphoneWeeb

    Music player apps for Android - What's your pick?

    I use Foobar2000 on Android and on my PC. I mainly use it because I can organize my music by file name. Most other apps don't let you do that.
  5. HeadphoneWeeb

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Fly Away by Vincent Bélanger and Anne Bisson with my HD700 paired with Audeze Deckard.