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  1. dracmos

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Next week i'll get the fantastic couple Yggdrasil and Ragnarok <3
  2. dracmos

    Sennheiser HDVD800 Power Cord.

    I have a HD800S/HDVD800 and a 200$ cable. And I can't heard any great difference compare to a 5$ cable   Maybe one day, but not today...
  3. dracmos

    MrSpeakers ETHER Flow and ETHER C Flow -- Inspired by Electrostatic Headphones

      DP-X1 balanced mode with and custom cable works fine too with my HD800s. Never heard with Mojo
  4. dracmos

    Focal Elear - Impressions Thread

    Great job! Very interesting review!
  5. dracmos

    Good Headphones for listening to Music under 150€

    The Beyerdynamics DT990 sounds really good!
  6. dracmos

    Chord Electronics 2Qute DAC announced

      Same to me. Trojan in the .exe file