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  1. jooonnn

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Loved my Chord Mojo 2 (owned since May 2023, but also owned the Mojo 1 prior) but my unit randomly seems to have went defective. I have only used it in my office for desktop use or occassional iPhone listening at my desk. My bulbs still light up for initializing when I power it on, and the...
  2. jooonnn

    Focal Bathys Hi-Fi Bluetooth & ANC Headphones: Early Impressions

    is the overall consensus to update the firmware to 1.4.2 or leave at 1.3.7 until a later update comes?
  3. jooonnn


    Damn the awesome crinacle and his brutally honest review! I just bought these at E Earphone in Tokyo Japan. I actually heard these sight unseen along with about 50 other ones including 64 audio, meze, and campfire, without seeing a review just on accident. I was like ooo these are...
  4. jooonnn

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Yes! Also wondering if there is a bass difference between the 3. Eg: I felt my stellias had more bass presence that the utopias. Bass-lightness can really affect the punk rock music experience i listen to
  5. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    As you can i love GAS and GAS loves me. Your thoughts on paper sound exactly like mine..... so ill do it if you do it? :) I feel like im just so good at appreciating stuff like the verite and the stellia. Both are sweet examples of a huge company that does it right and a small company that...
  6. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Was the closed immediately wider sounding than the stellias? Any feelings of buyers envy? (i own the stellias also, somehow trying to not justify an
  7. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Nope, no issue. Had the same imprints on with my focal case with my elear’s as well. That metal bolt is pretty robust and the case design has been around for years so that is some historical peace of mine for you as well. Headphones are also shipped in the case.
  8. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Ive got the Stellias with a iFi micro idsd black label and i can notice a significant difference (more complimentary to my ears) than my audioquest cobalt. The amp gives you exceptional power, and a ton of variations that keep your experience fresh. The bass boost is fantastic, and the 3d...
  9. jooonnn

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    I picked up the isine 10s on b stock a while back, think these are likely a noticeable difference?
  10. jooonnn

    Introducing the LCD-i3

    Love these! Curious to see how these compare to the lcd-i4!
  11. jooonnn

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Stoked to hear some impressions!
  12. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    So bokeh-y ❤️ What did you take the pics with?
  13. jooonnn

    iFi iDSD Micro DSD512 / PCM768 DAC and Headphone Amp. Impressions, Reviews and Comments.

    Yes, understood, but my question was which connection was “ideal” or “recommended” between the cables that are included.
  14. jooonnn

    iFi iDSD Micro DSD512 / PCM768 DAC and Headphone Amp. Impressions, Reviews and Comments.

    Just ordered one of these the other day, but having trouble sifting through the comments on what the ideal USB connection for PC is. The package states it has a few usb female adapters. im mostly wondering between using USB A and B, and USB 2.0/3.0. All help appreciated!
  15. jooonnn

    Focal Clear headphones

    Subjectively (i consider my ears to be “rookie ears”) i think the clears are noticeably better to my ears than the elear and elex. I recently went through a ton of online debating on which focal set to buy and whether popular comments like the “elex was basically the clear”’ or if the “elex was...
  16. jooonnn

    Dragonfly COBALT vs.............Discussions

    Got the cobalt yesterday and it is a definite noticeable improvement from the DFR i used to own. I have a bias, but i think i can agree with delancyst that although the cobalt gets much closer to the mojo, i still think the mojo has a unique smooth gooey sound that i always reach for. At this...
  17. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Anyone paired their stellia with a iFi micro idsd black label?
  18. jooonnn

    Dragonfly COBALT vs.............Discussions

    Awesome! I used to own a mojo for years, and have been listening to the cobalt all day today to my Stellias. The cobalt was a neat pickup and “i think” it sounds quite a bit more refined than what i remember my DFR sounding like. I felt like the DFR was a touch noticably hotter in treble than...
  19. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Heard these the other day. Initial impressions: insane. Beautiful. I giggled at how sweet they sound, even off just a desktop motherboard with an ESS9018 built in dac. I know im a little late to the beryllium party, but i looked through the focal beryllium toxicity guide that comes with the...
  20. jooonnn

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Love the feedback people are having on these. I lovingly cried and blew most my budget on the Stellias themselves, but wondering what more affordable amp options people would recommend for the Stellias. Is the chord mojo still a recommended product? Ideally id like to stay under $1100...
  21. jooonnn

    3-way shootout; Focal Clear vs Hifiman Arya vs Focal Stellia

    Thanks a lot thread it is 100% your fault (definitely not mine) i ordered the stellias and will report how they fare on Wednesday....thanks for everything i will love in advance
  22. jooonnn

    3-way shootout; Focal Clear vs Hifiman Arya vs Focal Stellia

    Im leaning towards the closed back since i live in a small somewhat noisy apartmen, but of curiosity, are there any things to worry about when it comes to getting a pair of used utopias? I didnt know if they were super fragile or had issues to look for being made of such fancy materials.
  23. jooonnn

    3-way shootout; Focal Clear vs Hifiman Arya vs Focal Stellia

    Great honest human feedback. I love, like love the utopias, but i also love the clears. I honestly love all focal headphones ive heard, i just know which i love more, and i think everyone’s kind feedback is reinforcing the life lesson ive learned of buy what i want or save up until i can if my...
  24. jooonnn

    3-way shootout; Focal Clear vs Hifiman Arya vs Focal Stellia

    Any news on your clear vs stellia experiences? I havent been able to find a shop in japan that has a pair of Stellias and ive been hungry for a Clear. I loved the utopia, but they are a bit out of my budget with needing to get a new dac/amp as well. Many thanks!
  25. jooonnn

    Focal Clear headphones

    Really appreciated feedback. This essentially echoes my same impressions after going back to the shop. Im not sure if its just my ears or if its my pair but i just felt the clear (along with other headphones) had a more specific center image/vocal fullness. I tend to crank volume up for the...