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  1. Laboomba

    OPPO HA-2 Portable Headphone Amplifier/DAC Discussion Thread

    Well, I hope someone can help. Every now and then or maybe only a couple of times within iOS update, my Oppo HA2SE has failed to mate with my iPhone. It works perfectly fine with my iPad Pro using the USB C, currently it is not working with iOS 14.4 on my iPhone promax 11 Anyone having a...
  2. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    FWIW, I have three three perfect, yet different configurations that I like a lot! Schiit Jotunheim, tons of power, can’t wait to buy bal cables and try balanced, but great match Ifi micro black label idsd, I love this straight up, on the mid gain setting ( no turbo boost needed), with or...
  3. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Yeah, I use them with the ifi bl in “normal” too.. I have tried turbo, but not needed in my case. In normal, I am between 10 and 2 almost always, depending on genre... Old recordings that actually still have wide dynamics and same for most classical, for the same reasons, gets cranked up a bit...
  4. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Looks awesome, but at $80+ for that case, I asked my wife to get fancy with her sewing machine, some gortex and batting, and hook and loop and maybe even a bit of leather and snaps.. I’ll post pics if she really pulls something cool off :) B
  5. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Ok, all new to me , but totally worthwhile... I’ve wondered of a nice way to protect my ifi while mobile, thanks! B
  6. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Agree, I could flatter them similarly, 3D, and super revealing!... yup :) B
  7. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Oh goodness! What language is this site filled with?! Lol... can I purchase from them?? B
  8. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    That sheath you have for the ifi looks perfect! Is it open on both ends for connections? How do you keep it in place? B
  9. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I tend to echo this with a couple of caveats… I don’t boost the highs in the AFCs, but what I find about these headphones is something remarkable when it comes to applying any equalization. Relative to some of my other headphones, I find that these headphones respond to equalization in a very...
  10. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I assume mrspeakers (Dan) is a bit busy to be chiming in to this thread all the time.. But.. (especially because until I finish holiday shopping for others) I probably can’t get a woo wa8 until after Christmas.. and I’ll spend a few weeks pining for the wa8... I’d be grateful if possibly a few...
  11. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I was wondering too! My right side was more mobile, more loose than the left.. I gingerly tightened that Phillips head, and it seems to be a bit “stickier” like it should feel, and I hope that is how it’s supposed to adjust.. B P.S. I’m totally still blown away by these, I compare with other...
  12. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    ~following~ No discomfort here yet, but I take off and on a bunch because I make jewelry and I’m up and down a bunch.. B
  13. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Oh fun! I will be getting a balanced cable for these ASAP. Will be fun to try to discern the differences! Any major sonic differences that you can sort of put into words… That you have found between balanced and single ended coming from the Jot, into the a AFC’s? Or I guess you used the...
  14. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Oh that’s very excellent to hear! Well now that just sort of doubled my lust for the wa8! I can only imagine that the other favorites of mine, even though they are falling behind a bit, the x00, the HD 600, DT 1990, and the rest of them will probably sound different and exciting on that rig...
  15. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Ohhhh boy! It’s back in the radar!! Really?? Where “on the dial” are you doing your most listening? Almost max? In the middle somewhere? Have you tried it with another DAC feeding it, or primarily with the reputedly excellent internal DAC? ( obviously if I use my iFi in front, I can use the...
  16. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Oh goodness... well, this is a potential bummer... while I am certain that the WA8 would indeed work fine with most of my other headphones, right now the AFC are my favorite, I’m simply addicted to the incredible resolution and even handedness of them… I will mix your observations in the soup...
  17. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Yup, without turbo, maybe a touch more airy and I found that there is plenty of headroom, I find myself usually between listening as low as 10 o’clock on the volume knob but cranking as high as one to 2 o’clock when I’m really allowing myself to listen more loudly. And like I was saying before...
  18. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Very cool! Ly 3 is on the short list!... although as you can see, the W8 is in my crosshairs for my first or I should say my next big kill, LOL I have a couple of bad boys, and I have a black round plate VT 231 and a whole assortment of others that I play with while rolling around, I have to...
  19. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I usually use normal, I also play with turbo, but these don’t really require the exra necessarily. And switching to turbos does change the overall sound a little bit in my opinion. Not necessarily in a bad way but may be a little less spaciousness
  20. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    ....Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I still have not tried out the balanced side of my Jotunheim with either the AFC, or my HD 600s… Please feel free to chime in, especially if someone thinks that using these balanced will be a fun and different experience Barrett
  21. Laboomba

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    AS PERTAINS TO THE BEAUTIFUL ÆON FLOW CLOSED!.... But first.. Hi all, I need to create a signature so everyone can see my points of reference. I just received my æon flow closed about a week ago plus... I’d love to share impressions and hear some thoughts. I am a discerning listener, I...