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  1. Shrubber

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    I did indeed but alas the holes which affix the buds to the IEMs are too large to be of use. Bit of a shame but I'm sure I'll rectify it down the line with more cheap Chifi IEM purchases! -------- Thanks to the other recommendations, will check them out!
  2. Shrubber

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    Hey!   So a while back I was looking for a similarly-priced alternative to my Joyeroom JR-E107s. Though the E107s were working fine at the time, alas one ear is now defective.   Luckily I had picked up the MEMT X5 (as per the recommendations earlier in this thread to my query), I am also...
  3. Shrubber

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    I've bought a few IEMs now, I wouldn't describe myself as a connoisseur by any sense of the word, but I am absolutely in love with my Joyeroom E107s that someone recommended for their small and unassuming profile (both in appearance and functionality). They're decent isolators and I've had no...
  4. Shrubber


    Agreed, I've certainly not been blown away by these Tennmak Pros. I'm not a connoisseur of Chifi IEMs as of yet (one day no doubt), but I personally don't think they sound good enough (for their moderate budget price) to be considered gems in their price-range. The Shure-ish flat profile is...
  5. Shrubber

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    Are there any Chifi IEMs which have a similar design/negative profile to the Shures? The Tennmak Pros do, but unfortunately they've not got the greatest build quality. The cheaper the better, they're good for falling asleep listening to spoken word.
  6. Shrubber

    IEMs: Dunu DN-1000 vs Fidue A73 vs 1More E1001 Triple?

    Yeah it was just hard to resist given their price, being from the UK, (although I have seen that UK-based Chifi seller and will certainly use him where possible) and the set suiting my more functional needs (sleep, exercise, audiobooks). It's good to hear some reasonably positive things about...
  7. Shrubber

    IEMs: Dunu DN-1000 vs Fidue A73 vs 1More E1001 Triple?

    The dunus are certainly approaching a price point at which I would be put off, certainly anything past that I wouldn't consider (not yet). In regards to your comment about them not sounding too far off much cheaper sets, I suppose that harks back to the point of diminishing returns (coupled with...
  8. Shrubber

    IEMs: Dunu DN-1000 vs Fidue A73 vs 1More E1001 Triple?

    That's immensely useful, cheers! Maybe the pictures I saw didn't do the A73 justice because I thought it looked rather awful. Though discounting them for lacking rich bass sounds like a good shout based on what you've said! The one thing I tried to isolate in my selection criteria were the...
  9. Shrubber

    IEMs: Dunu DN-1000 vs Fidue A73 vs 1More E1001 Triple?

    Hey all,   I've tried my best to gather as much as info as possible on the above IEMs but any direct comparisons between two or even all three would be great (particularly sound-wise)! I'm not a basshead but do want the lows to be rich and satisfying and the highs to be slightly accentuated...
  10. Shrubber

    Is this a hot deal?

    "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is", words to live by.