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  1. SovereignJerk

    New Member Introductions thread

    You can get great audio on a budget. If you can afford the best, go for it. But for those of us that have to watch our spending, $200 can get you a great set of cans, $100 can get you a great entry level DAC, and I'm sure there are great budget level amps available as well but I have no...
  2. SovereignJerk

    New Member Introductions thread

      That's unlucky. You're terrified to close your eyes? What's your phobia called I'd love to read about it.
  3. SovereignJerk

    New Member Introductions thread

    Infrequent visitor, registered to talk about music, cans, and audio in general. I think it's easy to tell if you're an audiophile. Ask yourself one question, if you had to live the rest of your life without sight or sound, which would you pick? If you picked sound, you're not an audiophile.
  4. SovereignJerk

    $20-$30 headphones for a sixth grader

    For real, get whatever is $20-$30 at Wal-Mart and doesn't look stupid. Unless this girl is actually an audiophile and since you probably don't know, it just really doesn't matter. I know I've bought ear buds at Wal Mart that lasted and did the trick just fine.
  5. SovereignJerk

    So about breaking in your cans

    I suppose I should say I might listen to my headphones at least 1 hour a day but no more than 3. I might have gone some days without using them. I probably listened to between 20-40 hours of music on the SR-60e's before I noticed the overall quality was better. I've been searching for that sound...
  6. SovereignJerk

    So about breaking in your cans

    Seems to be a polarizing topic. Just wanted to put in my experiences. I've always had a pair of Sony MDR-7506 laying around. Always thought they were pretty good, I mean they're industry standard for recording. Apparently, our perception of sound goes way beyond just being able to mix a record...
  7. SovereignJerk

    New member, first post

    Not so much a lurker, more of an infrequent visitor. Probably a review on this site that got me to first buy Grado SR125i's 10 years ago and to regret selling them a few years later. Bought SR-60e's few months back and just had my pair of SR-225e's arrive. Fan of the Grado cans. Not that I have...
  8. SovereignJerk

    Recommendation for open headphones

    Only ever owned Grado SR-125i's, SR-60e's, and just today received SR-225e's. Have loved them all. I've set my sights on the Sennheiser HD650's as my next can purchase. If for any reason, to try a brand that isn't Sony or Grado.
  9. SovereignJerk

    Grado e Series

    My experience as an audiophile isn't much, but I do love music. About 10 years ago I bought a pair of 125i's and after breaking them in they ended up being then and still now a purchase I'll never forget. I also deeply regretted it after I sold them. You will never hear music the same way again...