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  1. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    I haven't done much soldering so take my advice with a grain of salt. From what I've read, the best solder, especially for electronics is 63/37 tin/lead solder. As long as you wash your hands after using it you should be fine. That ratio of lead to tin has the lowest melting point, and the...
  2. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Where did you get that set of LED's? I've seen a few on amazon, but I'm curious. I'm thinking about switching from the nail lamp to something like this that's more purposeful for what I'm doing. 
  3. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Gelatine is very hit or miss and not as straightforward. I tried using gelatine a couple of times and both times failed miserably, They weren't anywhere near transparent, and it was quite fragile stuff. I never got a successful shell out of the gelatine material. I'm using Krystalloid now and...
  4. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

      Hi ForceMajeure,  I'm using the Krystalloid hydrocolloid material as an investment material. I'll keep that in mind, but honestly, I don't think that the light direction is the problem. Also, I was experiencing the exact same problem when I was originally using using the lamp right side up...
  5. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Also, here's my current UV curing station.  I've taken the traditional 36w UV nail lamp, and flipped it upside down. I was having a hard time getting even curing with the standard configuration, so I've grabbed a thin sheet of plexiglass, and placed it across the upside down lamp. The idea...
  6. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Yes, I do understand and thank you for the advice :) I'll have to see if I can come up with some sor to light blocking cover.     Yes my negatives are flat on the top, and I'll try to post a picture as well.        And here's a couple of photos of the current light shield I'm using...
  7. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi everyone, I'm finally getting somewhere with my investments and using the nicefit, but I'm having a problem with my materials sticking to my cover I'm using to block the UV from the top of the investment. Any thoughts? I'm using a plastic cover that I've covered to prevent light from coming...
  8. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi everyone!   Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  I'm on the hunt for a good soldering iron/soldering workstation. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations and if anyone had seen any on sale for black friday? Thanks again for the ideas and suggestions!
  9. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    We believe in you Shilohsjustice! You can do it :D
  10. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Thanks! That's fantastic and I'll probably order some of that to try soon. I think I found the same stuff on Taobao and tried to order it, but Taobao is harder to ship liquids Internationally. I'll post my results when I'm done with my tests!
  11. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi Pete,   Which acrylics did you get from aliexpress? I've actually got some Nice Fit on order myself and I'd love to hear what you used, and what worked well for you. I've so far been unable to create a successful shells even when going up to 8-12 minutes of cure time. To be fair, I've only...
  12. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Thanks for your advice! I've bought some and it should be arriving Wednesday! :D My impression creation is decent, and I'm getting a lot better at using the Krystalloid. I'm hoping that by the time my Nice Fit arrives from China, I'll be ready and able to make quality shells with them! I'll...
  13. Lightsword

    Shure SE535 DIY Repair [Please help]

    Careful soldering should get you back in business. Be careful with the leads and you should be fine, also consider using some flux to help the soldering improve. I hope this helps! :)
  14. Lightsword

    DIY CIEM Sonion 1723WT03 and one with 1723WT03/09

    Hi mikkelmmk93,   Where did you locate and purchase your Sonion 1723 drivers? I'd really be interested in snagging a couple (or a few :D ) to play with and test. Thanks!    Lightsword
  15. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    I've been using Gulf Wax and I haven't had very good results. I've melted it both with a Sous Vide (Water Bath) system and also using the microwave. I've been able to melt it and get it to coat the impressions really well, but my problems have been related to the low melting point (approx...
  16. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Yeah I saw that in the MSDS too and I'm assuming that the irritant factor is only for the uncured resin. Anyway, I think I'll give it a shot, for Science! 
  17. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi everyone, I'm still searching for a viable inexpensive UV resin to use (ideally sourced locally to cut down on shipping times). I've done more research and discovered DLP/SLA UV resins and wanted to see if anyone had tried any of them. I'm considering buying some of the MakerJuice resin since...
  18. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

      Hi Shilohsjustice,   Where did you happen to find the Krystaloid? I've looked all over Lightningenterprises but not seen it there on the website. Is it something you have to call and request? Thanks!
  19. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Thanks for the advice. I did see your post, and I'm definitely considering it. I would like something easier to work with though if possible. I do have a sous vide machine (Immersion Circulator) and I've been using it to heat the gelatin and wax like a double boiler. It's nice cause I can set a...
  20. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi everyone,   Has anyone had success combining an alcohol based ink (Tattoo Ink) with UV Resin and having it cure correctly? I tried mixing a small amount of blue ink with Magic Glos and it just didn't want to cure at all. I also tried a Daler & Rowney Liquid Acrylic ink/paint and trying to...
  21. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi everyone,   Here's a few photos of my first set of impressions. What do you think? These are my first set, I made them with some assistance and I think they turned out well so far. Anyway, I'm about to start trimming and sculpting them and I wanted to get any advice or suggestions some of...
  22. Lightsword

    Home-Made IEMs

    Which resin did you locate? I'm curious as well! Also google taobao and see if it's available there as well. I know there are forwarding services for taobao called taobao agents that will froward stuff out of the country to you. I'm from the US and the Magic Glos is cheap, but I'd love to see...